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Illustration by Peter Arkle

Scientists capture the first image of a black hole—"like looking at the gates of hell."

A new species of ancient human is identified: Homo luzonensis, a diminutive tree-climbing people, the 50,000+-year-old remains of whom were found in a cave on Luzon Island in the northern Philippines.

Earth’s glaciers are shrinking five times faster than they were in the 1960s. The contribution of melting mountain glaciers to global sea level rise is similar to that of the Greenland Ice Sheet and far more than that of the Antarctic Ice Sheet.

A (since deleted) op-ed in the Nashville Tennessean blames climate change on gravity.

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Trump Administration Wants More Wolves off Endangered Species List: The latest in a (seemingly endless) fight over the controversial species.

Chicago Commits to 100 Percent Clean Energy: It’s the largest city in the United States to do so.

Night-Hiking With the San Luis Valley's Bachelor Bats: Their largest North American roost lies within an abandoned Colorado mine.

New Podcast: The Overstory: In Episode 5 of The Overstory we talk with author-activist Paul Hawken about his new book, "Drawdown," and why he thinks that global warming may be a blessing instead of a curse. And we travel to Acadia National Park in Maine, where National Park Service biologists are experimenting with what's called "assisted migration" to help tree species cope with climate change. Also: sustainable living tips from our advice columnist, Mr. Green, and a moving radio diary from a North Carolina woman demanding clean water for her town.

The Latest Issue of Sierra MagazineCheck out the new March/April issue.

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Quo ea modus impedit omittantur. Mel suavitate comceptam et, in vim nihil tibique. Is vis epicuri fierent accusamus, enim liveravisse necessitatibus no eos.

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