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Illustration by Peter Arkle

California’s July 2018 Ranch Fire, which burned more than 400,000 acres and was the largest in the state’s history, was started by a spark from a hammer.

Pacific Gas & Electric agrees to pay the town of Paradise and several Northern California counties a total of $1 billion for a series of wildfires caused by the utility’s equipment.

California governor Gavin Newsom officially apologizes to California Native Americans for the genocide perpetrated against them by early settlers.

New York’s legislature passes the most ambitious package of climate goals in the country.

The Trump administration proposes a replacement to the Clean Power Plan, eliminating its hard targets for reducing CO2 emissions that would have required the closure of many coal-fired power plants.

In the first quarter of 2019, 2.7 gigawatts of photovoltaic solar are installed, a new US record.

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In Their Words: Elementary School Kids on Why Nature Is Important: Read the winning essays from a children’s writing contest.

What You Need to Know for Your Kids’ First Backpacking Trip: Dispatches from one family's maiden overnight adventure in the backcountry.

Connecting Kids to Nature in a Disconnected World: The Natural Leaders Network is part of a budding outdoor equity movement.

How to Talk to Kids About Climate Change?: Here are 12 books that’ll help.

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