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How can you reach your target audience in an era where TV audiences have become fragmented? dataxu knows.

“TV has changed. Viewers have migrated and consumption habits have evolved, said Ed Montes, President & CRO at dataxu. “But it’s not all doom and gloom – it’s a world of opportunity that marketers must embrace.”

Last week, at Variety's 2019 Entertainment Marketing Summit, dataxu led a discussion around the future of TV advertising, shedding light on the real opportunities and benefits of a connected TV plan.  

TV viewership is on the rise, but how it’s viewed is radically changing.  For marketers who are buying TV, reaching viewers across devices at the right time, with the right message, at a 1:1 level is imperative to success. But how do you get started?

dataxu is now arming you with this free guide to Connected TV. Get the answers to all of your TV advertising questions, plus a look at today’s buying landscape and real customer case studies.

Linear viewership will decrease again this year, and you will be paying higher CPMs for diminishing impact. If you are not preparing or executing now for CTV buys, you’re going to miss out on a crucial opportunity.

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dataxu is a software company that helps marketing professionals use data to improve their advertising. Since its founding in 2009, it has operated on the premise that data science can help make marketing better -- not just more efficient for agencies and their advertiser clients, but also more personalized and more engaging for consumers.