
Monday 4 May – Monday 11 May

On World Ovarian Cancer Day, 8 May, the Australian Government announced $16M for eight research projects, including drug development, genomics, early detection and patient-reported outcomes.

Alfred Health and the Royal Hobart Hospital have partnered to deliver a Phase I clinical trial using the teletrial model, with VCCC operational support.

WEHI researchers have developed a new way to understand which breast cancers will respond to a new class of anti-cancer agents. Also from WEHI, promising pre-clinical results from a Phase I trial combining venetoclax with current therapy for estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer.

Monash University has received $1M from MRFF for two projects focusing on the ethical, legal and social issues concerning genomics. While the University of Tasmania is using MRFF funding for a citizen jury to examine community opinion on the use of gene-editing technologies.

COVID-19 and Cancer
Insight Plus • May 11, 2020  0:25
THE coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has demonstrated Australia’s capacity for rapid innovation and flexibility in public...
the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) is an ideal source for rapid resource reallocation for emerging threats and...
Monash University - LENS • May 9, 2020  11:49
Rewriting the guidelines on delivering life-saving cancer drug trials while in COVID-19 lockdown.
Cancer patient lifeline in lockdown
The Department of Health • May 8, 2020  7:38
Marking World Ovarian Cancer Day, the Australian Government has announced a $16.2 million investment in eight research projects to beat...
drug repurposing for treatment-resistant ovarian cancer treatment University of Melbourne - High throughput discovery of...
Monash University • May 7, 2020  13:27
Monash University researchers have received almost $1 million in grants from the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund...
almost $1 million in grants from the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) as part of its Genomics... • May 6, 2020  16:48
A citizen jury of 24 will be at the centre of a new research project which will examine the best way to gather community opinion on the use...
of Tasmania researchers and funded through the Federal Government’s Medical Research Future Fund Genomics Health Futures...
Population Health
Science Media Exchange - Scimex • May 8, 2020  0:27
More people in New Zealand are living for longer after a cancer diagnosis. With this in mind, researchers wanted to estimate how many New...
a cancer diagnosis. With this in mind, researchers wanted to estimate how many New Zealanders were still alive after at...
The Medical News • May 6, 2020  14:59
Many cancer survivors with high medical copayments experience financial toxicity, an economic side effect of cancer treatment. A recent...
An economic side effect of cancer treatment
Science Media Exchange - Scimex • May 7, 2020  13:10
The anti-cancer medicine venetoclax could improve the current therapy for estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer – the most common...
most common form of breast cancer in Australia – according to preclinical studies led by Melbourne researchers. The...
Science Media Exchange - Scimex • May 7, 2020  1:58
An innovative clinical research project coordinated by SAHMRI’s Precision Medicine Theme has revealed new avenues to attack bowel cancers...
, says the project involved taking tumour samples from 19 metastatic bowel cancer patients and growing tumour...
Science Media Exchange - Scimex • May 5, 2020  10:57
Melbourne researchers have developed a new way to pinpoint which breast cancers will respond to a new class of anti-cancer agents called...
new class of anti-cancer agents called ‘Smac-mimetics’. The research team discovered a ‘gene signature’ in human breast...
Australian National University • May 5, 2020  8:18
New research by scientists at The Australian National University (ANU) will help us better understand rare forms of cancer. Professor...
Gene research could lead to cancer breakthrough