
Victorian Government cancer plan 2020-2024 consultation is underway with sessions taking place online and in multiple locations across the state.

The Nobel Prize for medicine has been jointly presented to three scientists who discovered how cells adapt to oxygen.

A blood test developed in Scotland can predict brain cancer with 92% accuracy. Queensland researchers have used CRISPR gene-editing technology to target and treat cervical cancer.

Monday 7 October - Monday 14 October (Licensed by Copyright Agency) • Oct 11, 2019  0:30
Associate Professor Daniel Thomas from SAHMRI has won a $1.25 million CSL Centenary Fellowship to pursue his vision...
Daniel Thomas in the SAHMRI building. He has just been awarded a CSL Centenary Fellowship worth $1.5 million over five years to continue his
Science Media Exchange - Scimex • Oct 10, 2019  14:46
Dutch researchers have created a test that can help predict how patients with advanced bowel cancer will respond to chemotherapy. Before...
Dutch researchers have created a test that can help predict how patients with advanced bowel cancer will respond to chemotherapy. Before
Herald Sun (Licensed by Copyright Agency) • Oct 10, 2019  6:0
Cancer cells have nowhere to hide thanks to state-of-the-art equipment at the new Australian Cancer Research...
Imaging the Tumour Environment. Based at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute (ONJCRI) in Heidelberg, the centre’s researchers
LabOnline • Oct 10, 2019  0:4
US researchers are developing a blood test that has shown the ability to screen for numerous types of cancer with a high degree of...
Blood test to detect multiple types of cancer
The Medical News • Oct 9, 2019  7:20
Among the most deadly killers in the area of cancer, breast cancer is also extremely difficult to treat, once it has spread to the bones....
Biology and computers meld to help understand how breast cancer develops
ABC News • Oct 9, 2019  6:43
Queensland researchers are hailing a world-first "cure" for cervical cancer, having killed off tumours in mice using CRISPR gene-editing...
. "This is the first cure for any cancer using this technology," Nigel McMillan, the lead researcher and the director of infectious disease
Science Media Exchange - Scimex • Oct 9, 2019  2:9
Scottish researchers developed a simple blood test that can detect whether patients have brain cancer with 92 per cent accuracy. But the...
Scottish researchers developed a simple blood test that can detect whether patients have brain cancer with 92 per cent accuracy. But the
The Australian (Licensed by Copyright Agency) • Oct 8, 2019  10:23
Adults who gain weight over the course of their lifetimes are up to 50 per cent more likely to develop cancer.
, multiple myeloma, cancer of the gastric cardia, endometrial cancer, and meningioma brain tumour. Adults with a Body Mass Index of more
The Border Mail (Licensed by Copyright Agency) • Oct 8, 2019  5:0
Three years after the first statewide cancer plan was released, regional Victorians remain worse-off than their...
Country cancer patients still worse off: consultation opens for Victorian Cancer Plan 2020-2024
The New Daily • Oct 7, 2019  22:56
Two scientists from the United States and one from Britain won the 2019 Nobel Prize for medicine for finding how cells adapt to fluctuating...
paving the way for new strategies to fight diseases such as anaemia and cancer. The Nobel award-giving body said US-born researchers William
Premier of Victoria • Oct 7, 2019  16:42
Victorians can now have their say on the Andrews Labor Government’s next big plan to prevent cancer, boost survival rates and improve...
/about/health-strategies/cancer-care/victorian-cancer-plan Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jenny Mikakos “This is an important