Google's new healthcare API better enables data interoperability, critical to fighting COVID-19; How Trump's latest H-1B visa suspension will impact hiring at tech companies
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ID theft: Fake Google alerts are now delivering malware

E-mails telling you that your data has been compromised are now sometimes fake. Be careful what you click on.

Additional TechRepublic resources

Google's new healthcare API better enables data interoperability, critical to fighting COVID-19

How Trump's latest H-1B visa suspension will impact hiring at tech companies

Microsoft Teams is different on desktop, iOS and Android: Here's what you need to know

IBM Research releases differential privacy library that works with machine learning

How to use the Google Pixel Safety Check feature

Featured multimedia

Git guide for IT pros (free PDF)

Developed by Linux creator Linus Torvalds, Git is the most widely-used, modern version control system (VCS) in the world. This tool enables users and developers to collaborate on local machines/networks or via public servers. This Git guide for IT pros ebook from TechRepublic provides a quick way to get up to speed on the VCS and better understand why and how Git's impact on software development.

Today's recommended downloads

TechRepublic's New Desktop Computer Checklist

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Featured survey

Who is responsible for data privacy within your organization? Is your organization meeting all GDPR and CCPA requirements? What tools does your company use to aid in data privacy? We want to know. Take this quick survey.

A special feature from ZDNet and TechRepublic

Robotics in the enterprise

Robots have moved off the assembly line and into warehouses, offices, hospitals, retail shops, and even our homes. ZDNet explores how the explosive growth in robotics is affecting specific industries, like healthcare and logistics, and the enterprise more broadly on issues like hiring and workplace safety.

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