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Vaccines, variants & doses

If you have had COVID-19 do you still need both doses of the vaccine? Do these vaccines protect you against infection? Do they protect us against variants? WHO’s Dr Katherine O’Brien answers these questions in Science in 5.
Seafarers and aircrew essential

WHO and partners are calling for maritime and air transport workers to be prioritized for vaccination against COVID-19.
Experts and gamers join forces to fight COVID-19

Ndemic Creations and WHO are launching a public awareness campaign bringing together experts and gamers to promote actions everyone can take to stay healthy and learn to detect and act upon misinformation.
Spotlight on WHO's COVID-19 activities in countries

COVAX vaccine shipments are beginning to reach countries in need, thanks to partners and donors.
Protecting refugees and migrants during COVID-19

With more people forced to flee their homes as a result of conflict, instability, and natural disaster, WHO is working hard to ensure that migrant and refugee health is incorporated into global health responses. 
More Info on WHO’s response to the pandemic

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The UN is calling for 30 km/h speed limits towns and cities worldwide for safer, healthier living. Join the #Love30 campaign.

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An estimated 1.4 million fewer people received care for tuberculosis in 2020 than in 2019.

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