November 29, 2016

If You're Pregnant, Don’t Eat or Drink These 8 Things

Pregnant women are literally “eating for two,” and research shows that their diets impact the food preferences of their unborn children. [related] A study conducted on rats found a positive correlation between a pregnant female’s junk food...Read More
Cookie Dough

Two Mysterious Ingredients That Nearly Every Restaurant Swears By

Spend enough time hanging out in a restaurant kitchen (or watching Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives), and you’ll eventually encounter two mysterious-sounding ingredients that only chefs, and not home cooks, seem to use: browning agent, and beef or...Read More

The 10 Best and Worst Things You Can Bring to a Holiday Party

The holiday season is officially here! Not only does that mean Christmas carols, festive wintery activities, and more food than you could ever possibly consume, it also means that holiday parties will be happening essentially every weekend and...Read More
Christmas gifts

The 10 "It" Destinations for 2017

The start of a new year is a time when people reflect on the past one and make resolutions for the future. If one of yours is to travel more or to explore new places in the coming 12 months, consider some of these 10 “it” destinations for 2017...Read More
Peru landscape

Laird & Company: 236 Years in Business and Counting

In 1698, Scotsman Alexander Laird immigrated to the United States. He immediately recognized the abundance of apples surrounding him — what else was there to do than to turn it into apple brandy?Although not officially on the market until 1780,...Read More
Andrew Kist

Moving to Canada? Here’s a Quick Guide to Canadian Cuisine

In light of recent events, you might be considering high-tailing it out of the country and taking up residence in our neighbor to the north. Should you decide to pack up and move to Canada, there’s going to be a whole lot you’re going to need to...Read More

10 Best Southern Hemisphere Destinations Where It Will Soon Be Summer

Instead of spending your winter vacation skiing on a mountain or hiding behind layers of clothes and cups of hot chocolate, what if you could spend it in a bathing suit with an ocean view, catching some rays? If you want to escape the bitter cold of...Read More
Tropical Landscape

Hooked on Cheese: I’m Melting!!!

I can’t stand the cold of winter – I’ve always been a warm-weather, sunshine-loving guy. Thankfully, there’s one thing that never fails to help me forget about the bitterness of winter: melted cheese in all its delectable forms.Fondue is the #1...Read More

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