Good morning, Marketer, hope you’re getting out into the sun!

In January 1964, a group of Atlanta residents wanted to hold a dinner honoring the native son who had won that year’s Nobel Peace Prize. The mayor tried to get business leaders on board but, for some reason, most weren’t interested in having a meal with Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Most, but not all. One in particular made his unhappiness known. That one was Robert Woodruff, CEO of a small local firm called Coca-Cola. He threatened to move the company’s HQ to another city if Rev. King wasn’t honored. 

Tickets sold out practically overnight.

Woodruff did the right thing at a time when companies were always silent on any issue that could be seen as “controversial.” And white consumers – who were the only ones who mattered at the time – liked it that way. Today that is no longer the case. As our story today points out, people want to know if you are with them or against them. The implications for marketing are huge. Marketers must make sure the C-suite knows silence is no longer an option.

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

Public wants to know where brands stand on issues, surveys show

71% of US customers wants companies to speak out on important issues.

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The power and limitations of universal IDs

Universal IDs show promise as an alternative to cookies, but the space remains immature and confusing.

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Webinar Today: Overcome third-party data challenges for CX success

See how brands can creatively collect first-, second-and third-party data to engage and retain consumers. Join our experts from Redpoint Global and learn how to deliver omnichannel, real-time interactions for sublime customer experiences.

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Why event technology is critical to marketing success

In a world of remote-first experiences, marketers would be wise to integrate event technology into their stacks.

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HubSpot expands App Accelerator program internationally

Developers can get access to technical expertise, help with marketing and funding.

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Why we care about RevOps: A marketer’s guide

RevOps seeks to maximize your brand's revenue potential by aligning departments and processes. Here's why organizations should consider implementing it.

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“It’s very easy to make that call early and make the recession for yourself before the actual recession comes along.” – Nick Studer, CEO of consulting firm Oliver Wyman Group, on over-anticipating an economic downturn.

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