Increasing staff productivity

The new partnership was made possible by IFMA’s Strategic Partner Association (SPA) programme

data center

The new page offers a comprehensive range of technical materials, including publications, standards, guidelines and […]

Empower urges construction sector to build efficient

The work is progressing on schedule under the direct supervision of Empower’s in-house project team


Enova offers a range of environmental excellence services, including technical consultancy for sustainability initiatives such […]

L-R: Sami A. Ajmi, Vice President (A) of Fire Protection at Aramco and Jim Pauley, President and CEO of NFPA

The agreement underscores a shared commitment to minimising fire and electrical-related risks and damages


Rajiv Ravindran Pillai
Direct: +971 4 444 3262
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Vinay Ravindran
Commercial Director
Direct: +971 4 444 3155
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5 minutes with ... Hugh Henderson
Total Jordan sponsors campaign to reduce litter
Bee'ah's Tandeef celebrates second anniversary

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