Developing Your Change Capabilities

“Organizations are still launching large, strategic change initiatives aimed at moving the business forward and helping the business grow—but what’s new in this space is the need to build agility and change-readiness into the fabric of the organization,” says change expert Judd Hoekstra.

“This requires today’s leaders to do something we’ve never done before: develop a level of comfort with ambiguity and a readiness to move forward with change initiatives that are less than perfect. We must recognize that as soon as we figure something out, the world may change and we may need to learn and quickly adjust course.”

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September Podcast


Change Your Questions, Change Your Life with Marilee Adams

Dr. Marilee Adams explains how the questions we ask ourselves and others can either expand our mindsets and open us up to new possibilities or constrict our mindsets to limit our choices.
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Client Spotlight

Delivering a Mentorship Program for Women in Saudi Arabia

“We realized that a mentorship program could be a transformative power,” says Jamila El Dajani, chair of the AmCham Saudi Arabia Women in Business Committee.
Read Now


Chief Learning Officer Article

Articles and Media
12 Things Your Executive Coach Wants You to Know

What are the universal principles that guide leadership coaches? In this article for Chief Learning Officer, Blanchard’s Chief Coaching Architect Madeleine Blanchard shares an insider’s perspective about working with a coach.

Sept Ignite blog post

7 Ways to Improve Your Personal Effectiveness

It's important for each of us to know ourselves, including our natural tendencies, habits, priorities, and triggers, says Britney Cole, head of Blanchard’s Innovation Lab. “Personal effectiveness includes skills, behaviors, and attitudes that help with job performance and contribute to organizational success.”



September Webinar

Webinar - September 20
Becoming an Agile, Change-Ready Leader

Change is a given in today’s work environment. Join change expert Judd Hoekstra as he shares how to develop the attitudes, skills, and behaviors of a change-ready leader.

Student Self Leadership Ad

Free Course for Students
Student Self Leadership starts Sept. 28

Do you know any teenagers? Blanchard has taken what has worked in the business world and adapted the content for 14–18-year-olds. Check out our Student Self Leadership program, a free 6-week online course.


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