Start preparing early! I have made the point before, but IHI is a competitive programme, and one challenge is to identify suitable industry and public partners for a competitive proposal. Now is the time to start preparing for our 2025 calls – mark 12-13 November in your calendar and join our brokerage event to find the right partners and capabilities for a strong consortium and a competitive proposal.
Many of our projects aim to improve our understanding of diseases, and capture this understanding in biomarkers that can be used for diagnosis, clinical trials and improving personalised treatments. This month’s highlights include the EMA’s recognition of new imaging markers that measure the severity of Alzheimer’s disease, and the identification of novel patient subgroups for optimising treatments for Sjögren’s disease, a difficult autoimmune disorder.
A better understanding of disease also underpins the advanced cell and tissue models that are central to the development of novel therapies. This month we report on the imSAVAR project’s fascinating breast-cancer-on-a-chip model that integrates and captures a lot of different biology in a laboratory model for developing novel advanced cell therapies. These are fascinating results - if you want to be part of a similarly impactful project, the brokerage event is your chance!
Niklas Blomberg, IHI Executive Director