October 14, 2019
Dear Valued Reader,

When I walk into Gumshoe HQ on Monday mornings there's often one blaring headline waiting for me... and this time, it was "everyone wants to know about this 'image mapping' business from Stansberry!"  And we aim to please, so that's the unraveling in store for you today -- what's this "image mapping" technology, and will it really cure the third leading cause of death?  Which companies will make us rich as a result?  Just click below to...

Angel investing is taking the world by storm. Everyday people from coast to coast are now backing little-known startups long before they IPO, and they're exploding in value, becoming worth billions of dollars. It's making some Americans wealthier than they ever dreamed possible. But when you're in a position to have all of these exciting deals at your fingertips, you need a way to determine which could be winners - and which are nothing more than hype. As Robert reveals in this brief video, the "1,000X Formula" is exactly the ticket.

It was a busy week last week, with gold, 5G and marijuana all getting a fair amount of attention... miss anything?

The "McDonald's of 5G" play being teased by the Motley Fool probably generated the most attention on the week, so if you missed that one you can find my story here.

5G was also the subject of Zach Scheidt's pitch on Monday -- and he called upon another holy name in calling his idea the "Amazon of the 5G economy" -- you can see the Thinkolator assessment of that one here.

After that we shared a gold "quickie" with you -- though I couldn't resist piling a little blatheration on top of it.  Several readers wrote in to ask about a small gold stock that's being recommended by Steve Sjuggerud at the Stansberry Conference this week, it's described as a little fella that hasn't yet participated in the gold rally, but is levered to higher gold prices.  So what is it?  Interesting or no?  Story here.

Two days in a row for gold stocks for us here at Stock Gumshoe... and, it turns out, they're also both Stansberry pitches.  The second one was for a newsletter we haven't looked at before, Bill Shaw's Commodity Supercycles, and it's hinting at a "virtually unknown $7 investment" he says will be "The #1 Gold Stock to Buy in 2019" ... you can't not read that one, right?

Then I moved on to the Friday File, which is mostly about marijuana stocks that have been clobbered this week... just click below for that one...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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