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Images Vevey 2024
The Biennale Images Vevey unveils its identity and part of its programme!
The Swiss Visual Arts Biennial Images Vevey is back with its unique concept! More than 50 site-specific outdoor and indoor photographic installations throughout Vevey.

Images Vevey 2024

(DIS)CONNECTED. Entre passé et futur
7 – 29 September 2024

Over 50 international site-specific projects including artists from more than 20 countries such as Madison Bycroft » Maisie Cousins » Weronika Gęsicka » Carlos Garaicoa » Gauri Gill » Paul Graham » Andreas Gursky » Candida Höfer » Işık Kaya & Thomas Blank » Amandine Kuhlmann » Romain Mader » Christian Marclay » Aleksandra Mir » Alessandra Sanguinetti » ... and many more!


Fondation Vevey ville d'images

Chemin du Verger 10 . CH-1800 Vevey
T +41(0)21-9224854

Fondation Vevey ville d'images
Images Vevey 2024
Images ©  Madison Bycroft, Maisie Cousins, Weronika Gęsicka, Işık Kaya, Amandine Kuhlmann, Romain Mader
Programme announcement in July 2024
(dis)connected: the theme of the Biennale Images Vevey 2024 addresses the unprecedented gap created by digital technologies between the past, present, and future. Ecology, geopolitics, economics, the arts, education, and leisure — all sectors of society are affected by this revolution. The fifty or so projects presented by artists from all over the world forge links between nostalgia for the past and curiosity about an uncertain future.
The visionary projects presented at the Biennale Images Vevey 2024 reveal the paradox of our times and explore the interplay of connection and disconnection between tangible reality and digital fantasy.

The Biennale Images Vevey 2024 is promising to be spectacular and monumental.
Combining fresh, dynamic colours, Atelier CIAO (Biel/Switzerland) is designing the visual identity for this 2024 edition. And the famous spaghetti mascot is back with a (dis)connected twist.
Stay connected!

Images Vevey 2024

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Images Vevey 2024
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© 13 June 2024 photography now UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Ziegelstr. 29 . D–10117 Berlin
Editors: Claudia Stein & Michael Steinke
contact@photography-now.com . T +49.30.24 34 27 80