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Imagine Another Perspective
Caleb Charland
Orange Battery, from the series: Back to Light
60,96 x 71,12 cm
Archival Digital Print
© Caleb Charland, Courtesy of East Wing/Doha

Imagine Another Perspective


Mandy Barker » Caleb Charland » Maija Tammi »

13 July – 8 September 2024
Opening: Friday, 12 July, 7-9pm
Opening speech: Peggy Sue Amison, Curator of the exhibition

Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung

Auguststr. 75, 10117 Berlin
T +49 (0)30-20095333

Tue-Sun 11am-6pm
Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung
Imagine Another Perspective
Maija Tammi
38 x 30 cm
Archival pigment print on acrylic glass
© Maija Tammi, Courtesy of East Wing/Doha
How does humanity’s conception of time shift when confronted with illness or death? What are the deeper implications surrounding the plastic materials we handle every day? Are there energies in nature imperceptible by the human eye? Alfred Ehrhardt Stiftung presents an exhibition that tackles these questions and more in the group show Imagine Another Perspective.

The works of the three international artists included in the presentation aim to illuminate areas of the natural world around us that are often unnoticed: the unseen, the overlooked, and the surprising, which are however central to our survival. The exhibition is an attempt to train our vision and perception, in hopes of gaining a different perspective on our environment. By experimenting with a variety of tools and optical techniques, the artists also explore the process of photography itself.
Imagine Another Perspective
Mandy Barker
Bird’s Nest, from the series: Soup
152 x 107 cm
Archival Digital Print
© Mandy Barker, Courtesy of East Wing/Doha
The photographs of British artist Mandy Barker (*1964) initially resemble fantastic creatures and galaxies. Only upon closer inspection is it revealed that the images are, in fact, made up of marine plastic waste from around the globe, collected by Barker herself, sometimes inviting others to contribute their finds as well. Collaborating for over a decade with scientists and explorers, Mandy Barker has gained global recognition for raising awareness about plastic pollution in the world’s oceans, highlighting its harmful effects on marine life, climate change, and ultimately ourselves.

She believes that photography has the power to encourage people to act, to move them emotionally, or at the very least make them take notice. Photographs have the power to stimulate debate and ultimately evoke change.
Imagine Another Perspective
Caleb Charland
Beet Field, from the series: Back to Light
96.5 x 116.8 cm
Archival Digital Print
© Caleb Charland, Courtesy of East Wing/Doha
American artist Caleb Charland (*1980) combines a scientific curiosity with a constructive approach to the making of his pictures. In his series "Back To Light," the artist expands upon the classic school science project, the potato battery. By inserting a galvanized nail into one side of a potato and a copper wire into the other side, a small electrical current is generated. Charland finds the simplicity of this electrical phenomenon endlessly fascinating. His work speaks to the curiosity we all have for how the world works, as well as the global concern for the future of Earth’s energy sources. By employing long exposures and experimentation with light-sensitive papers, Charland surprises us by illuminating forces invisible to the human eye and yet existing all around us, and draws our attention to the parallel experiences of plant life happening every day.
Imagine Another Perspective
Maija Tammi
Immortal's Birthday, 2020
129 × 115 cm
Archival pigment print
© Maija Tammi, Courtesy of East Wing/Doha
Finnish artist Maija Tammi (*1985) explores the life of Hydra vulgaris, a small freshwater polyp that does not age at all in her series "Immortal’s Birthday." Her photographs explore the human place in the continuum of existence and ageing, examining practical and metaphysical questions raised by Hydra all the way from the 1700s until today. Her work surrounding the Hydra combines Greek mythology and spirituality with technology and scientific research.

The exhibition aims to provide audiences with unexpected new understandings of foundational ideas and is made possible with additional support from the Finnish Institute and East Wing / Doha and curated by Peggy Sue Amison.
Imagine Another Perspective
Mandy Barker
30.41 N 157.51 E, from the series: Shoal
75 x 105 cm
Archival Digital Print
© Mandy Barker, Courtesy of East Wing/Doha
Accompanying events:

Saturday, July 13, 4 pm
Guided tour of the exhibition with curator Peggy Sue Amison and artist Maija Tammi [in English]

Thursday, July 25, 7 pm
"Plastic in the sea. Occurrence, fate, effects and possible solutions"
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Annika Jahnke, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ Leipzig [in German]

Thursday, 29 August, 6 pm
Guided tour of the exhibition with curator Peggy Sue Amison and artist Mandy Barker [in English]
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© 2 Jul 2024 photography now UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Ziegelstr. 29 . D–10117 Berlin
Editors: Claudia Stein & Michael Steinke
contact@photography-now.com . T +49.30.24 34 27 80