| | | Determine when your Green Card expires | | Permanent Residents can begin the Green Card Renewal process within six months of the card’s expiration date. Immigrants who are outside U.S. borders within six months of the Green Card expiration and who return within one year of departure from the United States, before the expiration of the card, should file on return to the country. | | Permanent Residents who haven’t applied for Green Card Renewal and who are outside the United States when it expires, must contact the nearest U.S. Consulate, USCIS office, or U.S. port of entry before attempting to file Form I-90 for a renewal Green Card. | | |
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| | | Check the status of your application | | Our online tool USCIS Case Status, lets applicants check the status of their applications through any connected device. USCIS makes applicant information available within 72 hours of filing. | | |
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| | | Know how to move forward if your application is denied | | In cases where USCIS denies a Green Card Renewal application, applicants receive a letter outlining the reasons for denial. While USCIS rules don’t allow for the appeal of negative decisions, the rules do let applicants submit a motion to reopen or to reconsider the case. The motion essentially is a request for USCIS to reexamine or reconsider the negative decision. | | Applicants who motion to reopen a renewal application must state any new facts they would provide if USCIS decides to take another look at the application. The motion must also include any appropriate evidence in support of these new facts. | | The motion for reconsideration of the renewal application must establish that the USCIS decision to deny the original application was based on incorrect application of law or immigration policy and also further establish that the incorrect decision was based on the evidence in the file at the time. | | Find more information on the appeal process on the USCIS “How Do I Appeal the Denial of Petition or Application?” page. | | |
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