Cancer Health Treatment Update
Long-term Metastatic Melanoma Survival Dramatically Improves on Immunotherapy

Half of patients treated with Opdivo plus Yervoy combination are still alive and cancer-free a decade later.

PD-1 Checkpoint Inhibitor Shows Promise for Anal Cancer

Zynyz immunotherapy added to chemotherapy extended progression-free survival and may improve overall survival.

High-Dose Vitamin D Doesn't Help Most Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

However, study results suggest higher doses may benefit patients with tumors on the left side of the colon or rectum.

News From ESMO 2024

See all our reports from Europe's biggest cancer conference.

Cancer Health Fall 2024
Check out our new print edition!
Criteria for Cancer Trials and Treatment Put People of African and Middle Eastern Ancestry at a Disadvantage

Natural genetic variation that results in lower neutrophil levels in the blood can limit eligibility for clinical trials.

News About COVID-19
See all our coverage of COVID-19, including how it affects people living with cancer. For more news about SARS-CoV-2, visit our sister site,

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