MacMost Newsletter
The MacMost Newsletter: Issue #651
June 24, 2021
Your Mac automatically launches apps when you startup and when you log into your user account. Here's where to look to see what your Mac launches automatically. You can add your own items in one of these place, and use all of them to see what things are running in the background.
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Safe Mode is a way to reboot your Mac that can help you diagnose problems, and sometimes even fix them without doing anything more. Learn how to boot into Safe Mode and steps you can take to fix your Mac.
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You can type special characters on your Mac using one of four different techniques. For accent marks and character variations you can hold down keys on the keyboard or use Option and Shift to access some keys. You can also bring up the Emoji & Symbols chooser for thousands of special characters. Watch for more options and tips.
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iMovie 10.2.4 intriduces some new backgrounds that are comprised of two colors and can be customized to use any two colors you like. You can use these as standard backgrounds, but also as overlays mixed with a variety of iMovie tricks to create special effects.
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If you are using an older version of macOS and are ready to update to a newer version, the first step is figuring out which versions of macOS your Mac can use. Apple provides compatibility information for each version, and you can find them all at as well. If you are looking to downgrade or to upgrade to a version not supported by your Mac, I have some general advice.
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Rant on character encoding. Free software. Have We Have Reached the End of Free? Understand the cost of free. Subscribe at iTunes...
I'm often asked about the software and gadgets I use to produce the MacMost videos and in my work as a developer. So I've compiled a list of the products I use and recommend. Check it out. -- Gary
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