TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 18, 2017

Wishing for Trump's Impeachment? 5 Reasons the Next President Could Be Even More Dangerous

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

Vice President Pence poses his own unique threat to American democracy. READ MORE»

Trump's Rumored Candidate to Run the CIA Could Plunge America into a Hot War

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

The Iraq vet and Arkansas senator is a rising GOP star—and a Trumpian true believer who longs for war with Iran. READ MORE»

6 Perfect Halloween Costumes ... For Trump Supporters

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

How to spot the Trump supporter at your Halloween party. READ MORE»

North Carolina Minister 'Repossesses' Dead Child's Headstone as 'Leverage' to Collect Family's Debt

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The pastor says he removed the grave marker as "leverage" for getting the outstanding debt. READ MORE»

Museum of the Bible: Inside a Sprawling, $500 Million Exploding Controversy

By David Smith, The Guardian

It was conceived by the billionaire president of Hobby Lobby.  READ MORE»

Trump Sinks to New Low in Call to Grieving Widow of Fallen Soldier

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

A lawmaker recounted the horrifying story on national television. READ MORE»

Jared Kushner Is Reportedly 'Freaked Out' About the Russia Investigation

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

The president's adviser may be in a lot of trouble. READ MORE»

Trump's Most Reckless Decision Yet

By Phyllis Bennis, Foreign Policy in Focus

Iran is complying with the nuclear deal. Trump, on the other hand, is risking a war—and torching U.S. credibility. READ MORE»

Keith Olbermann Has Serious Concerns About Trump's Brain Functioning

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

The president's behavior is alarming. READ MORE»

Watch a White House Correspondent All But Call the President a Liar to His Face

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The president keeps repeating the same falsehood about U.S. taxes. READ MORE»

A Federal Judge Blocks the Trump Administration From Enforcing the Latest Muslim Ban (Again)

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

But the fight may not be over, so activists are marching anyway. READ MORE»

Why Fake Shrimp Is the Next Veggie Burger

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

Meet the world’s first plant-based shrimp. READ MORE»

Journalism as We Knew It Is Never Coming Back

By Todd Gitlin,

The shocks are not normal, order will not be restored, and the media needs to admit it. READ MORE»

Meet Tarana Burke, Activist Who Started 'Me Too' Campaign to Ignite Conversation on Sexual Assault

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

As often happens, the movement was started by a black woman.  READ MORE»

How Marijuana Can Help Opioid Addictions

By Al Olson, The Fresh Toast

"We are really excited about the potential," one researcher says. READ MORE»

Tokyo 2020 Olympics Implicated in Rainforest Destruction for Japan's New National Stadium

By Annina Aeberli, Hana Heineken, AlterNet

As Japan prepares for the games, indigenous Malaysians suffer the destruction of their homeland. READ MORE»

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