Media Winners & Losers

Sara Sidner

CNN's Sara Sidner had a very human, heartfelt moment on live television Tuesday as she reported on the devastating death toll from the pandemic in Los Angeles, including a tragic new development: hospital parking lot funerals.

Reporting for CNN’s New Day, Sidner noted the “unconscionable” fact that one person is dying every eight minutes in the nation’s second-largest city, with Black and Latino communities are getting hit the hardest.

Sidner spoke about the people who were "taking the brunt" of the pandemic, "the people we rely on to live our daily lives. The people at the grocery stores. The people who have to work, to make the country move and they are suffering the most. It’s incredibly difficult to see that because there are folks that won’t wear masks, they won’t self-distance, that we are literally killing each other.”

Sidner interviewed several families who had lost loved ones to Covid-19 and were now faced with the heartbreaking task of holding funerals when it still isn't safe to gather together in person.

She then got overwhelmed with emotion as she described her visits to ten area hospitals and the grieving families she had met, and broke down in tears. It took a few moments before she could compose herself and continue.

It was a real and genuine human moment, and that's always a winner in our book.

Glenn Beck

There's a reason Nazi analogies are often scorned: most human frailties and depravities fall (thankfully!) far short of the Third Reich's genocidal murder of millions of people. 

That very obvious fact was not enough to hold Glenn Beck's tongue, however. He went there in an appearance on Tucker Carlson's Fox News show, comparing the tech company crackdowns to first the internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII, and then the Nazis putting Jews into ghettos. 

Beck described how the government had taken "our own citizens" by interning the Japanese-Americans, "confiscating their wealth, making sure they couldn’t work, shutting them down, and then putting them in camps. Tucker, this is the road we are on again.”

“This is like the Germans with the Jews behind the wall," Beck continued. "They would put them in the ghetto. This is the digital ghetto. ‘You can talk all you want, Jews, do whatever you want behind the wall.’ That’s not meaningful. And that’s where we are. That’s where millions of Americans will be.”

For the millionth time, there is a very well-established exception to the free speech protections of the First Amendment. You do not have the freedom to incite violence against other people, and definitely not against the federal government.

“This is nothing like what the Nazis did to the Jews and if you think that you’re an absolute moron," tweeted CNN's Jake Tapper in response. Absolute moron...and absolute loser.

The A-Block


Today for the first time in American history, the House of Representatives will debate, and presumably pass, Articles of Impeachment against a President for the second time.

Today's procedures will first include a debate and vote on the rules, and then a debate and vote on the issue directly, whether President Donald Trump should be impeached for inciting the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6.

Watch the debates and votes live here.

The members will be protected by the National Guard as they debate and vote.

When you've lost Mitch

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is reportedly peachy keen on Trump getting impeached, and after a day of several media outlets reporting that he isn't going to fight it he notably has not taken any steps to contradict those reports. Remember, unlike Trump, McConnell still has his Twitter account. 

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) has already said she's going to vote to impeach

She's not the only Republican voting to impeach

Pence passes

Pence isn't going to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump. No worries for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who's chugging ahead with the impeachment vote Wednesday.


Trump reportedly told Vice President Mike Pence he would go down in history as a "p*ssy" if he didn't overturn the election results for him (which, again, is not something he actually had the power to do).

CNN's Don Lemon had a must-watch reaction to the story


Now that the violent rhetoric has turned to violent action, a number of Trump critics are pointing out the hypocrisy in his attempted defenses. 

Lincoln Project co-founder George Conway ripped apart the argument that Trump shouldn't be impeached for fomenting violence because it might foment violence. 

MSNBC's Morning Joe aired a damning montage of Republicans claiming Trump "had learned his lesson" when he apparently really has not. 

Well yeah

Even Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy said that Republicans would definitely impeach a Democratic president who acted like Trump has. 

Another Fox News commentator, Brit Hume, called Trump "radioactive" for feeding "utter balderdash" to his base about the election results. 

You keep saying unconstitutional. I do not think that word means what you think it means.

After the Capitol was literally invaded by an angry mob that committed acts of vandalism, built a gallows and chanted "Hang Mike Pence!", and left five people, including a Capitol Police officer, dead and many others injured, the Capitol Police have installed metal detectors outside the House Chamber.

Some Republicans have made the absurd argument that this is unconstitutional. And they've resorted to some stunts to protest the metal detectors, which, again, were literally installed to make it harder for people to murder them. 

Must See Clips

Planned and Plotted

Perhaps some of the most troubling reporting about the Capitol riots relates to the planning and plotting that happened beforehand. Many commentators have criticized the law enforcement response for not taking into consideration the many examples of organizers posting on social media calls for violent action.

A new video has emerged of the rioters discussing their plans to move through the Capitol building, discussing the floor plan and various entrances. 

Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ) has also said that she saw other members of Congress leading people through the Capitol on January 5, the day before the deadly riots, as what appeared to be "reconnaissance for the next day."

It's a troubling accusation, and one that should be thoroughly investigated.

Links We Like

I Owe the Never-Trumpers An Apology. They Were Right All Along.
- Rod Dreher, The American Conservative
Major corporations say they will stop donating to members of Congress who tried to overturn the election
- Judd Legum and Tesnim Zekeria, Popular Information

The crackup of the Republican Party
- Josh Kraushaar, National Journal

Yes, the Senate May Hold Trump's Impeachment Trial After He Leaves Office
- Damon Root, Reason
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