EDITOR’S NOTE: Occasionally, we come across valuable ideas we think you’ll appreciate. This one is from our good friends at Agora Financial Australia.

Dear Reader,

Imagine you could make up to 11 times the gains from some of the biggest stocks on the ASX...in just one five-minute email a week...

Well, if you like, you can see if this is possible on Monday.

Yes, this coming Monday.

If you want to take part, here’s what will happen...

On Monday — before our market opens at 9am — I will send you a private email...

My short note will contain six trading signals.

The signals will tell you, clearly and directly, how to trade what we call the ‘big six’ Australian markets:

  • BHP Billiton;
  • Commonwealth Bank;
  • Telstra;
  • Qantas;
  • Gold;
  • And the market itself, the ASX 200.

These trading signals come from a brand-new, algorithmic trading system we’ve been trialling here in the office.

We’ve back-tested the system using weekly market close data going back more than 10 years.

The results are crazy...

  • BHP Billiton — the algorithm beat it by 152% since 2009 in back-testing.
  • CBA — the algorithm beat it by 123% since 2009 in back-testing.
  • Telstra — the algorithm beat it by 202% since 2009 in back-testing.
  • Qantas — the algorithm beat it by 195% since 2009 in back-testing.
  • Gold — the algorithm beat it by 136% since 2009 in back-testing.
  • The ASX 200 — the algorithm beat it by 42% since 2009 in back-testing.

To find out how this is possible...and to get your name down for Monday’s ‘big six’ signals...go HERE.

Now, just to be clear, none of the figures you see here include things like costs, taxes, margin requirements or dividends — all of which would affect your gains in a real-life scenario.

And of course, we can’t guarantee that what happened in the past will play out the same way in the future.

But...we believe this is next-level stuff.

The guy who created this quant-based system worked for Morgan Stanley on Wall Street for 25 years.

This is all he does now — builds algorithmic trend-following trading systems. In fact, he supplies many of these to Bloomberg.

I met him through a UK contact...and asked if it would be possible to apply a version of his algorithm to six of the biggest and most frequently traded Australian markets.

Turns out, yes, it is.

And it’s one of the most straightforward trading executions you could imagine.

You basically get one set of six signals, every week...on Monday...before the market opens.

These signals tell you the prevailing ‘mood’ of the market — either ‘bullish’, ‘bearish’, or ‘in transition’ between the two.

Based on that signal, you place your trade...and that’s it...until the following Monday, when you get a new set of trading signals.

I have got a bunch of charts to show you — of this trading system in action — that will knock your socks off.

I really want you to see this, because it could be a genuine game-changer. Not just for our business...but for your entire investment strategy.

And if that sounds grandiose — well, all I’d say is go and watch this, and then we’ll talk afterwards.

Just know that if you want to get Monday’s ‘big six’ trading signals, you need to let me know before tomorrow (Sunday) at 3pm.

Go here for the full details.


James Woodburn Signature

James Woodburn,
Publisher, The Rum Rebellion