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A mock object is used for simulating system resources that aren’t available in your test environment. In other words, you will find times when you want to test some part of your code in isolation from the rest of it or you will need to test some code in isolation from outside services. Altair: Declarative statistical visualization library for Python, based on Vega-Lite pep8 Altair is a declarative statistical visualization library for Python. 7 Django Development Best Practices Each Web Developer Must Know django Set up Persistent Database Connections, Turn Cached Loading on, Store the Sessions in Cache, Keep the Application and Libraries Separate, Store All Templates in One Place, Install HTML5 Boilerplate, Monitor and Control Processes using Supervisor. DSF Code of Conduct committee releases transparent documentation community Today we're proud to open source the documentation that describes how the Django Code of Conduct committee enforces our Code of Conduct. This documentation covers the structure of Code of Conduct committee membership, the process of handling Code of Conduct violations, our decision making process, record keeping, and transparency. Why are some functions in python spelled with underscore, while some are not: setdefault, makedirs, isinstance? discussion I always wondered that. Here is a reddit discussion on the same. Teaching an AI to write Python code with Python code AI This post is about creating a machine that writes its own code. More or less. Introducing GlaDoS Skynet Spynet. More specifically, we are going to train a character level Long Short Term Memory neural network to write code itself by feeding it Python source code. The training will run on a GPU instance on EC2, using Theano and Lasagne. If some of the words here sound obscure to you, I will do my best to explain what is happening. Writing an API with Flask-RESTful REST This article will go over the details of how to create a RESTful API with Flask and Flask-RESTful. In Part 1 we will go over the API basics and how to implement a simple API. In Part 2 we will expand into advanced use cases powered by Flask-RESTful. All code that will be show is readily available on this repository. SciPy 2016 videos are up video Running Python Apps in the Browser by Almar Klein was a pretty interesting talk for me. See what interest you. Youtube channel. How to Create a Custom Django Middleware django In a nutshell, a Middleware is a regular Python class that hooks into Django’s request/response life cycle. Those classes holds pieces of code that are processed upon every request/response your Django application handles. Mike Driscoll: An Intro to coverage.py coverage Coverage.py is a 3rd party tool for Python that is used for measuring your code coverage. It was originally created by Ned Batchelder. The term “coverage” in programming circles is typically used to describe the effectiveness of your tests and how much of your code is actually covered by tests. You can use coverage.py with Python 2.6 up to the current version of Python 3 as well as with PyPy. Ajax Website Tutorial with Django django In this tutorial we'll see a trivial example of how to do a ajax website with django. Good for students looking to learn the basics of Django/Ajax and see how it works. Check out the Python & Django channels available on Gitter. community Gitter is like slack for developers. They have active Python, Django channels. Have a look. Introduction to Zipline in Python Python has emerged as one of the most popular language for programmers in financial trading, due to its ease of availability, user-friendliness and presence of sufficient scientific libraries like Pandas, NumPy, PyAlgoTrade, Pybacktest and more. Zipline is a Python library for trading applications that powers the Quantopian service mentioned above. It is an event-driven system that supports both backtesting and live-trading. In this article we will learn how to install Zipline and then how to implement Moving Average Crossover strategy and calculate P&L, Portfolio value etc. Projects PokemonGo-DesktopMap - 204 Stars, 36 Fork Electron App around PokemonGo-Map PokemonGo-Map - 128 Stars, 55 Fork Live visualization of all the pokemon in your area asyncpg - 69 Stars, 2 Fork A fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio choronzon - 45 Stars, 16 Fork An evolutionary knowledge-based fuzzer zhihu-terminal - 42 Stars, 2 Fork zhihu-terminal using python2.7. awesome-wagtail - 14 Stars, 1 Fork A curated list of awesome packages, articles, and other cool resources from the Wagtail community. reddit_get_top_images - 10 Stars, 1 Fork Get top images from any subreddit aiosmtpd - 6 Stars, 1 Fork A reimplementation of the Python stdlib smtpd.py based on asyncio. delft - 6 Stars, 1 Fork A Python tool that automatically optimizes deep learning pipelines using genetic programming. 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