Plus, register for our peer review workshop!
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Quick Tip

Improve communication and prevent retained surgical items

It’s estimated that around 1,500 surgeries each year end with a retained surgical item (RSI). These patients often experience frequent infections, pain, bowel blockage, and other complications—and to add insult to injury, patients then need to be operated on again to remove the RSI.


CRC Member Exclusive

The MSP's Voice: CVO consolidation, Part 2: Team transparency

Last time, we reviewed tips and tools for initiating a provider onboarding and credentialing consolidation project. A key consideration for leading a project of this magnitude and complexity is transparency among stakeholders and involved teams. Interdependence is always part of a large multidisciplinary team and requires confidence among involved entities that they can mutually depend on each other. Each team member has something unique to contribute, and healthy collaboration has unlimited possibilities!


CRC Announcements

Early bird pricing extended until January 11!

It's not too late to take advantage of our early bird pricing for the 2019 CRC Symposium in Las Vegas! This year's symposium delivers 2.5 days of engaging education and training to MSPs, medical staff leaders, and quality directors in credentialing environments spanning the care continuum. Top industry experts impart fresh insight and actionable strategies for developing and sustaining effective credentialing, privileging, competence assessment, and medical staff governance processes amid constant changes to healthcare service delivery and reimbursement. Click here to save $100 with special early bird pricing through January 11, 2019!

2019 CRC Symposium prospectus

Sponsorship with the Credentialing Resource Center (CRC) Symposium offers targeted access to MSPs and medical staff leaders. Download the 2019 CRC Symposium prospectus to exploreopportunities to engage with a live, active audience. Questions? Contact Amy Roadman at

Join our peer review workshop!

Join us for a peer review virtual workshop on January 16th and get your current peer review challenges solved! During this 2.5-hour workshop, peer review experts Robert Marder, MD, and Marla Smith, MHSA, will provide attendees with solutions to peer review issues specific to their organization. Attendees will have the opportunity to anonymously share their organization’s peer review challenges by completing a brief questionnaire in advance of the program; Marder and Smith will use this questionnaire to help attendees develop solutions. Attendees will walk away not only with solutions to their own struggles, but also with insight into how other organizations have solved their pressing peer review issues. Marder and Smith will additionally present case studies on organizations who have successfully worked through bias, culture, or logistic issues regarding peer review. To see the agenda, or to register, click here.





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Contact Us

Karen Kondilis
Managing Editor
Credentialing Resource Center

35 Village Road, Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949

For advertising and marketing opportunities with the Credentialing Resource Center, please email



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