Health Science's Institute eAlert
Improve memory drinking THIS type of milk?
How often do you drink milk?

Did you know there's a "secret" ingredient in milk that boosts brain power in just 1 hour?

It sounds impossible, but it's now CONFIRMED by clinical studies.

There's just one catch...

It's only one specific milk ingredient that gives the memory-boosting benefits.

Click here to reveal what it is.
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'Blacklisted' Fruit CUTS DOWN Muscle Soreness by HALF!

You may not be a spring chicken anymore… but that's not stopping you from getting outside, doing a little 'grunt work' around the house, or even hitting the gym for a good workout.

But have you ever woken up the next day so SORE that you feel like you were hit by a truck?

If so, you're not alone…

In fact, it's estimated that upwards of 60% of older adults complain about persistent muscle pain.

But thanks to a fruit that was once considered blacklisted here in the U.S., the days of reaching for OTC pain killers to reduce your muscle soreness are long gone!

This common drug linked to Alzheimer's?
Are you taking one of these 9 "memory erasing" prescriptions?

You may think your memory loss is just a sign of getting older, but one of these 9 drugs could actually be damaging your brain...

These 9 prescription drugs have now been linked to Alzheimer's disease diagnoses.

If you're over the age of 60, and you're taking even 1 of these 9 drugs, your brain could be at risk.

Click here to learn more.
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According to a study published in the journal, Nutrients, blackcurrant extract aids in overall recovery from physical activity AND reduces muscle soreness by a whopping 49%!

For years, blackcurrants were considered a 'forbidden' fruit in the U.S., namely because they can spread a fungus that infects certain native pine trees.

But new research around this fruit found that it may change how your body recovers from rigorous physical activity… without the use of OTC pain killers.

The study found that folks who supplemented with blackcurrant extract (compared to a placebo) had 3X faster recovery of muscle function over a 96-hour period… and even regained overall regaining muscle strength within 24 hours.

And, the researchers found that those who had taken the extract experienced 49% less muscle soreness 24 to 48 hours after exercise.

Let's face it, the less sore you are… the more motivated you'll be to stay active.

So, what's exactly behind blackcurrants' muscle healing power?

It turns out that they reduce the release of creatine kinase – which is a protein that leaks out of damaged muscle tissue. This all means that your body will recover faster.

Luckily for you, blackcurrant extract isn't hard to find…

Most health food stores and online vitamin retailers sell blackcurrant extract for around $20 per bottle.

If you find yourself feeling stiff and sore after you workout (or get any physical activity), consider having a discussion with your doctor about blackcurrant extract as opposed to reaching for those OTC drugs!

To a pain free life,
Sarah Reagan


Medical Xpress. "Blackcurrant extract aids exercise recovery and reduces muscle soreness by 49 percent." 9/27/21.

National Library of Medicine. "Musculoskeletal Pain in Older Adults." 7/15/20.

The truth about cereal and cancer

There’s a city in northern Europe where cancer rates are 4X LOWER than they are here…

And researchers have traced it back to what they eat for breakfast.

See what this popular cereal can do to cancer cells right here:

1 common breakfast cereal reprograms cancer cells?