Plus, how to avoid repeating 2016's failures, and more...
October 23, 2020
In Memoriam: The Trump Pivot

The president may win some points for shouting less than he did in the first debate. But don’t act like he’s changed.

By Alex Shephard


Don’t Reboot the 2016 Horror Show How we might have prevented November’s election from turning into another sequel to “The Purge”
By Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
The Righteous Anger of Joe BidenNext to a babbling, often incomprehensible president, Biden did what he needed to do in the final debate.By Walter Shapiro
Lesley Stahl Blew Her Chance to Eviscerate TrumpThe “60 Minutes” interview may have outraged the president, but in truth he got off easy.
By Timothy Noah


The Bernie Organizers Who Want to Elect Biden—Then Defeat HimA grassroots coalition is fighting like hell to build power for the left. Securing a Democratic win this presidential election is a necessary detour on that path.By Isabel Cristo
The Justice Department’s Very Convenient Corporate Crackdown From Purdue to Google, what explains the Trump administration’s recent surge in white-collar cases?
By Ankush Khardori
Trump’s Scorched-Earth War Against Federal Employees His latest feint at draining the swamp could put a target on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s back.
By Matt Ford


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