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Tuesday 13th September 2022 issue 990
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The Foundation wishes you all the best for the new season. From next week, in the context of the Russian war and European support for Ukraine, our weekly newsletter will also be available in Ukrainian.

"In Russia today the whole media sphere has been destroyed."
Author: Katerina Abramova

Since the start of its war in Ukraine, the Russian government has stepped up its repression of independent media. Even though the Russians are becoming increasingly disillusioned with propaganda, it is very difficult to make another voice heard," says Katerina Abramova of the exiled media outlet Meduza.
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Front page! : Editorial Elections : Latvia - Sweden - Italy Foundation : Report 2022 - Atlas/Europe - Recovery/EU - Energy Ukraine/Russia : EU/Association - IAEA - Reconstruction - Aid/Finance - G7 - Defence - Visas Commission : Environment Parliament : Migration/Asylum Council : Energy - Eurogroup - Cohesion - Economy/Finance - Health Diplomacy : Niger - Georgia - Algeria/Qatar ECB : Rates European Agencies : Vaccinations - Space Germany : EU - Future/Europe France : Diplomacy UK : Government - King Council of Europe : Belarus - Havel/Prize OECD : Employment IMF : Euro/Governance Eurostat : Inflation - Unemployment - Growth Eurobarometer : Confidence Studies/Reports : Results - State/Aid Culture : Exhibition/Paris - Exhibition/Dublin - Art/Prague - Festival/Bonn - Festival/Canaries - Festival/Warsaw - Heritage - Film/Venice

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Front page! :

A new United Kingdom?

photo non dispo The death of Queen Elizabeth II symbolically closes the page of post-war Britain. As King Charles III succeeds her and Prime Minister Liz Truss takes office, a new era begins for the country, writes Jean-Dominique Giuliani... Read more


Elections :

Krisjanis Karins is expected to be re-elected in Latvia on 1 October

photo non dispo The coalition that has been in place since October 2018 is the favourite in the elections that are being held on 1 October. The only question is whether the Conservatives or the Progressives will join the three parties that currently make up the coalition. The voting pattern of the Russian-speaking electorate could be decisive... Read more


Breakthrough by the Sweden Democrats who have now become the country's second biggest party

photo non dispo The gap between the left and the right in the Swedish parliamentary elections on 11 September is so small that the Electoral Commission has indicated that the results will not be known until 14 September. According to partial results, the right-wing forces, which include the Sweden Democrats (SD), the Moderate Party (M), the Christian Democrats (KD) and the Liberals (L), together won 49.63% of the vote and 175 seats. The left-wing forces, which include outgoing Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson's Social Democratic Party (SAP), the Left Party (V), the Green Environment Party (MP) and the Centre Party (C), would win 48.88% of the vote and 174 seats... Read more


Right-wing parties favourites in the elections on 25 September in Italy

photo non dispo The right-wing coalition of Forza Italia, the League and Fratelli d'Italia is expected to win the early parliamentary elections on 25 September. After the fall of Mario Draghi's government in July, the left and centre forces failed to unite. Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the far-right Fratelli d'Italia party, could become Council President... Read more


Foundation :

The Schuman Report on Europe, State of the Union 2022

photo non dispo This autumn the 2022 edition of the "Schuman Report on Europe, the State of the Union" is still available from Marie B. Editions. With contributions from European Commissioners and MEPs and the best experts, original maps and commented statistics, the Schuman Report analyses the challenges facing Europe and offers a complete view of the European Union. It is available in paper format on our website and in bookshops in French, as well as in digital version in French and English. Order it now... Read more


The Permanent Atlas of the European Union is available

photo non dispo For a better understanding of Europe in 2022, the Permanent Atlas of the European Union is a unique book that provides a comprehensive and easily accessible view of the European Union, the eurozone and each of its 27 Member States. It is available in paper format on our website and in bookshops in French, as well as in digital format in French and English. Order your copy now!.. Read more


European Recovery Plans: figures and priorities

photo non dispo The Commission approved on 8 September the Dutch recovery plan under the EU's NextGenerationEU programme to tackle the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis. The €672.5 billion recovery fund, known as the Recovery and Resilience Facility, provides grants and loans to Member States. The plans of 26 countries have been approved, and 10 countries have received payments, including Spain and Slovakia at the end of July. The Foundation provides an interactive map of the plans country by country, showing amounts, timetables and priorities... Read more


Energy Crisis: European Measures

photo non dispo In response to rising energy prices, Member States and the European Union have taken measures and developed plans to reduce consumption. The Foundation offers you a table to understand the situation. It will be regularly completed and updated... Read more


Ukraine/Russia :

EU-Ukraine Association Council

photo non dispo At the 8th EU-Ukraine Association Council, held in Brussels on 5 September, the EU announced a €500 million grant for education and housing for Ukrainian returnees and reaffirmed its support for the country in the war against Russia. Ukraine has signed agreements to join the Digital Europe programme and become part of the common secure customs network... Read more


IAEA calls for protection of Zaporizhia plant

photo non dispo Following a visit to the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) called on 6 September for the establishment of a protection zone at the site, where it noted the presence of Russian military vehicles and equipment... Read more

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The cost of rebuilding Ukraine is estimated at 349 billion €

photo non dispo The Commission, the World Bank and the Ukrainian government have estimated the cost of rebuilding Ukraine at €349 billion. This estimate, published on 9 September, takes into account the impact of the Russian invasion between 24 February and 1 June, and will be revised upwards as the war continues... Read more


Further aid of 5 billion € for Ukraine

photo non dispo On 7 September the Commission proposed to release an additional €5 billion in aid to Ukraine. This is part of a €9 billion package, of which €1 billion was already paid out in August. The main purpose of the aid is to alleviate Ukraine's lack of liquidity as a result of the war. The Council gave its approval on 9 September... Read more

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Capping of Russian oil prices by the G7

photo non dispo G7 Finance Ministers agreed on 2 September to put an "urgent" price cap on Russian crude oil and oil products. The price will be determined by the countries implementing the measure, in connection with EU sanctions that include an embargo on Russian oil by the end of the year... Read more


Preparation of a training mission of the Ukrainian army

photo non dispo The Defence Ministers, meeting in Prague on 29 and 30 August, discussed developments in the war in Ukraine and agreed to prepare for the establishment of a training mission for the Ukrainian army. They also discussed the strengthening of the European defence industry and capabilities. They also took stock of the situation in Africa, in particular Mali, and in the Western Balkans... Read more


Suspension of visa facilities for Russians

photo non dispo On 9 September, the Council suspended the visa facilitation agreement between the EU and Russia. The measure was decided by Foreign Ministers on 31 August. On 8 September, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland announced their intention to impose restrictions on Russians entering the Schengen area. The measure is due to come into force on 19 September... Read more

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Commission :

Assessment of the implement of the environmental policy

photo non dispo On 8 September, the Commission published its 3rd Environment Policy Implementation Review, which summarises the reports from the 27 Member States on the progress of EU environmental legislation. The Commission calls on Member States to ensure that more funding is available to cover the estimated €110 billion a year investment requirement in this area... Read more

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Parliament :

Commitment to the reform of the migration and asylum policy

photo non dispo Representatives of the Parliament and of the Member States holding the Council Presidency between 2022 and 2024 have committed to working to conclude the legislative processes on migration and asylum policy reform before the European elections in 2024. The roadmap between the two institutions foresees that negotiations between them should start by the end of 2022 at the latest... Read more

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Council :

Meeting of Energy Ministers

photo non dispo On 9 September, the Energy Ministers discussed measures to limit the increase in energy prices. They asked the Commission to develop a cap on gas prices and the revenues of low-cost electricity companies. On 7 September, Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen proposed a cap on the price of Russian gas, a solidarity contribution for fossil fuel companies and an obligation for Member States to reduce electricity consumption at peak times. The ministers also took stock of national plans to prepare for the winter... Read more

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Eurogroup Meeting

photo non dispo On 9 September, eurozone finance ministers discussed the impact of inflation on fiscal policy. Together with their colleagues from other Member States, they took stock of the development of a digital euro, as well as digital currencies outside the euro area... Read more

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Meeting of Cohesion Ministers

photo non dispo On 2 September, the ministers responsible for cohesion discussed the possibilities, benefits and future of cohesion policy, particularly in terms of promoting transition, resilience and local democracy... Read more


Meeting of Finance Ministers

photo non dispo Meeting on 9 and 10 September, the finance ministers discussed the consequences of the war on European economies and the impact of energy prices on national budgets. They approved the release of €5 billion in aid for Ukraine. They also discussed budgetary rules and the sustainability of public finances, as well as harmonisation of company taxation. On this issue, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands proposed to introduce minimum taxation of companies at national level, to overcome Hungary's veto... Read more

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Meeting of Health Ministers

photo non dispo On 6 and 7 September, the health ministers discussed European aid to the Ukrainian health system, vaccination and the fight against cancer. They also held a meeting of the HERA committee, the European Health Emergency Response and Preparedness Authority, with laboratories producing vaccines against Covid-19 and monkeypox... Read more


Diplomacy :

Extension of the EUCAP Sahel Niger mission

photo non dispo On 9 September, the Council extended the mandate of the EU civilian mission EUCAP Sahel Niger until 30 September 2024, with a budget of just over €72 million. It amended the mission's mandate to allow for the exchange of classified information between the mission and the EU's justice and security agencies... Read more


EU-Georgia Association Council

photo non dispo The 7th meeting of the EU-Georgia Association Council took place on 6 September. The new 2021-2027 programme sets out common objectives, such as the pursuit of a free trade area (DCFTA) and Georgia's gradual economic integration into the single market. The EU welcomed Georgia's reforms, while underlining the remaining shortcomings regarding democracy, the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary and human rights... Read more


Journeys by Charles Michel to Algeria and Qatar

photo non dispo The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, visited Algeria on 5 September to discuss with the Algerian President, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, the future of the Association Agreement and security and geopolitical issues. In Doha, he inaugurated the new EU delegation and discussed with the Emir of Qatar the issue of visa-free entry into the EU. Energy issues were discussed during both trips... Read more

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Further increase in key rates

photo non dispo The Governing Council of the European Central Bank decided on 8 September to raise its three key interest rates by 75 basis points, after a first increase in July. It says it will continue to raise rates in the coming months to reduce inflation risks. ECB President Christine Lagarde has warned of the risk of recession if Russian gas supplies are cut off completely... Read more


European Agencies :

Greenlight for new vaccines against COVID-19

photo non dispo The European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommended on 1 September the use of two vaccines with the Omicron variant of Covid-19. These vaccines, produced by Pfizer and Moderna, are intended for people over 12 years of age who have already been vaccinated, with the aim of strengthening their immunity. The Commission now has to authorise them under an accelerated procedure... Read more

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Launch of a Eutelsat satellite by Ariane

photo non dispo The Ariane 5 rocket lifted off on 7 September from the Guiana space centre in Kourou to orbit the Eutelsat Konnect VHTS satellite, designed to provide broadband Internet access throughout Europe... Read more

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Germany :

Meeting with Charles Michel

photo non dispo Chancellor Olaf Scholz received the President of the European Council Charles Michel on 9 September. They discussed the war in Ukraine and the EU's support for the country, energy policy and the future of the EU... Read more


Speech by Olaf Scholz on the future of the European Union

photo non dispo In a speech at Charles University in Prague on 29 August, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz outlined his vision for the future of the European Union. In particular, he declared himself in favour of a Union of "30 or 36 members", and an end to the right of veto. He also called for long-term "economic, financial, political, humanitarian and military " support for Ukraine... Read more

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France :

Emmanuel Macron's speech to Ambassadors

photo non dispo In a speech to the Ambassadors' Conference on 1 September, French President Emmanuel Macron highlighted the destabilisation of the international order caused by the Russian war in Ukraine and the rise of China. He defended the strategic autonomy of France and the European Union, and called for a European defence within NATO. He also called on diplomats to work for the influence and attractiveness of France... Read more


UK :

Liz Truss, new Prime Minister, has formed her government

photo non dispo British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss was elected on 5 September as the new leader of the Conservative Party to replace Boris Johnson, with 57.4% of party members' votes, against former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak. She was appointed by Queen Elizabeth II on 6 September to form a new government. She becomes the third woman to lead a British government... Read more

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Death of Queen Elizabeth II and succession of Charles III

photo non dispo Queen Elizabeth II died on 8 September at the age of 96. She is succeeded by her eldest son, Charles III, as Head of State of the United Kingdom and Head of the Commonwealth.. Read more

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Council of Europe :

Dialogue with the Belarus opposition

photo non dispo On 7 September, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe decided to set up a Contact Group with the Belarusian opponent Svetlana Tikhanovskaya and other representatives of democratic opposition forces with a view to establishing a regular dialogue... Read more


Three candidates shortlisted for the Vaclav Havel Prize 2022

photo non dispo The finalists for the Václav Havel Prize were announced on 6 September. Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Russian opposition figure arrested in April 2022; the Rainbow Coalition, a group of human rights and LGBTQIA+ organisations; and the Ukraine 5 AM Coalition, a group of Ukrainian human rights organisations. The winner will be announced on 10 October... Read more



Employment Prospects

photo non dispo In its annual Employment Outlook published on 9 September, the OECD notes that 66 million jobs have been created in its member countries since the start of the post-Covid-19 recovery, more than the number of jobs lost due to the pandemic. But it is concerned about the uncertainty caused by the war in Ukraine and its consequences, particularly the rising cost of living. It calls for stronger collective bargaining and higher minimum wages... Read more



Call to reform the euro zone rules

photo non dispo In a paper published on 5 September, the International Monetary Fund calls on the euro area to reform its budgetary rules to reduce the risk of a debt crisis and increase flexibility in response to crises and investment needs. In particular, the IMF proposes the creation of a "fiscal capacity" financed by joint borrowing. It proposes to make budgetary rules more sensitive to the risk of each state's debt... Read more


Eurostat :

Rise in inflation

photo non dispo Annual inflation rose to 9.1% in the euro area in August from 8.9% in July, according to a flash estimate published by Eurostat on 31 August. Energy prices rose by 38.3% year-on-year, compared with 39.6% in July... Read more


Decline in Unemployment

photo non dispo The unemployment rate in July was 6% in the European Union and 6.6% in the euro area, Eurostat announced on 1 September. The youth unemployment rate stood at 14% in the EU and 14.2% in the euro area... Read more


Increase in GDP and employment

photo non dispo GDP grew by 0.7% and 0.8% respectively in the EU and the euro area in the second quarter compared with the previous quarter, and by 4.2% and 4.1% compared with the same period in 2021, Eurostat reported on 7 September. In addition, the number of people in employment increased by 2.7% in the euro area and by 2.4% in the EU compared to Q2 2021... Read more


Eurobarometer :

Rise in confidence in the European Union

photo non dispo According to the Eurobarometer survey published on 6 September, 47% of Europeans have a positive image of the European Union and 78% support the economic sanctions against Russia. Economic and energy issues are the main sources of concern at both EU and national level. 87% of citizens want the EU to invest more in renewable energy... Read more


Studies/Reports :

Results of the Commission's work

photo non dispo On the occasion of the State of the Union speech to be delivered by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on 14 September, on 9 September the Commission published a review of its action since her 2021 speech. It highlights its efforts to consolidate the post-Covid recovery and the measures taken in response to the war in Ukraine and its consequences... Read more


Scoreboard regarding State Aid

photo non dispo The State Aid Scoreboard, published by the Commission on 8 September, shows that the flexibility measures taken during the Covid-19 crisis supported businesses while maintaining a level playing field. In total, Member States mobilised €384.33 billion... Read more

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Culture :

Gérard Garouste Retrospective in Beaubourg

photo non dispo Until 2 January 2023, the Centre Pompidou in Paris is presenting a retrospective of Gérard Garouste, one of France's most uncompromising contemporary painters... Read more


Sean Keating in Dublin

photo non dispo Until 27 November, the National Gallery of Ireland in Dublin is presenting an exhibition by Irish artist Sean Keating. In his painting "An Allegory", the artist turns into a political commentator by highlighting the violence and turbulence that marked the period of the Irish Civil War... Read more


Artists' dialogue in Prague

photo non dispo The Untitled Gallery in Prague is presenting works by Italian artist Nicolo Degiorgis and the British-Swiss collective JocJonJosch until 23 October, which are opening up a discussion on collective art, performance art and the legacy of conceptual art and Land Art. The exhibition is one of the events of the Prague Art Week, ending on 15 September... Read more


Beethovenfest in Bonn

photo non dispo For classical music lovers, the German city of Bonn is hosting the Beethoven Festival until 17 September. The composer's birthplace will be the venue for numerous concerts devoted to his work, as well as that of other composers such as Mendelssohn, Bruckner and Mahler... Read more


Temudas Festival in Las Palmas

photo non dispo The Temudas Festival is being held in Las Palmas in the Canary Islands until 18 September. Since 1996, theatre and dance troupes from all over the world have been meeting at this summer event to present their latest work... Read more

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Autumn Festival in Warsaw

photo non dispo The 65th Warsaw Festival of Contemporary Music will be held from 16 to 24 September. The festival focuses on symphonic and chamber music... Read more


European Heritage Days

photo non dispo The 39th European Heritage Days, organised by the Council of Europe and the European Union, start on the second weekend of September. Until the end of the year, exhibitions, artistic performances, guided tours and workshops are being organised around the theme of sustainable heritage in the 50 signatory countries of the European Cultural Convention... Read more


Winner of the 79th Mostra

photo non dispo American director Laura Poitras received the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival on 10 September for her documentary All the Beauty and the Bloodshed, about the opioid crisis in the United States. Frenchwoman Alice Diop received the Silver Lion and the Future Prize for her film Saint-Omer. The Best Actress and Best Actor awards went to Australia's Cate Blanchett and Ireland's Colin Farrell... Read more


Agenda :

12-15 September 2022

Plenary Session of the European Parliament

14 September 2022

Speech on the State of the Union

14-16 September 2022

Informal meeting of Agriculture and Fisheries Ministers

The Letter is also available in:

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The Letter's Editorial Team :

Stefanie Buzmaniuk, Helen Levy ;
Micol Cattana, Eléna Roux

Editors-in-chief: Eric Maurice
Publishing Director: Pascale Joannin
N° ISSN : 2729-6482



The Robert Schuman Foundation, created in 1991 and acknowledged by State decree in 1992, is the main French research centre on Europe. It develops research on the European Union and its policies and promotes the content of these in France, Europe and abroad. It encourages, enriches and stimulates European debate thanks to its research, publications and the organisation of conferences. The Foundation is presided over by Mr. Jean-Dominique Giuliani.

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