October 10, 2016

In Season Now: Take Advantage of October Produce

We live in a world where we can eat almost anything we want, whenever we want. Strawberries in December? Done. Avocados on everything all the time? Sure thing.Though this is extremely convenient, it also allows us to stay...Read More

12 Crazy Easy Desserts to Make With the Kids

There’s no denying that kids love desserts. And you’ll find that they love them even more when they’ve made them themselves, or have at least helped you, the baking-expert grown-up, in the creation process. You could start your kids off on the...Read More

‘The Art of the Cheese Plate’ With Cheese Expert Tia Keenan

Tia Keenan’s newly released cookbook, The Art of the Cheese Plate: Pairings, Recipes, Style, Attitude, redefines what we think of upon hearing the words “cheese plate.”Keenan, author, chef, and fromager extraordinaire (otherwise known as the “rock...Read More

9 Essential Fall Superfoods and How to Cook Them

Fall offers a tremendous variety of fruits and vegetables, but many of these healthy, seasonal gems are upstaged by the ubiquitous gourds. Pumpkin and butternut squash have their own benefits, but their nutrition profiles pale in comparison to some...Read More

DIY Dessert Time With Chef'd

Chef’d is at it again with their new dessert boxes in partnership with The Hershey Company. I’m an amateur baker and dessert enthusiast, so I decided to put the recipes to the test with three of their signature desserts. They have 15 menu options to...Read More

8 Foods to Eat for Healthier Hair

The importance of hair health becomes apparent to everyone at different points in their lives: Some people are blessed with genetics that keep their follicles actively growing well into their 50s, while others see their hair thinning as early as...Read More

What’s Happening in Chicago: October 2016

 October is arriving with plenty of good eats, drinks, and merriment to ramp up your fall. Fish out the boots and sweaters and get cozy with these upcoming events.Bacon and Beer ClassicEnjoy the bounty on Saturday, Oct. 1st as the Bacon and...Read More

Someone Opened a ‘Ted’-Themed Bar in Japan

Of all the things to inspire a restaurant, Ted, Seth MacFarlane’s 2012 movie about a foul-mouthed teddy bear that is best friends with Mark Wahlberg, is a bit of an unexpected culinary muse. But that’s happened, and now there’s a Ted-themed...Read More
Ted Cafe in Japan

Check it out
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