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HOUSECALL Mayo Clinic is ranked #1 in the nation.
Vol. 21, Issue 23 | March 19, 2020
Coronavirus disease: What is it and how can I protect myself?
The coronavirus is a highly contagious virus that has spread worldwide. Learn how to limit your risk of getting and spreading this virus to others.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)  
Know the signs and symptoms of the coronavirus as well as when it's time to seek medical attention.
Back pain relief: Ergonomic chair or fitness ball?
Being at a desk all day can be a real pain. If your back gets sore while sitting at work, should you swap your chair for a fitness ball?
Diabetes and depression: Coping with the two conditions
If you have depression, you may be at risk for type 2 diabetes. The good news is that they can be treated together.
Is yo-yo dieting making you fat?
Repeatedly losing weight and then regaining it is called the yo-yo effect. It's frustrating, but will it put your health at risk?
Slide show: Melanoma pictures to help ID skin cancer
Down syndrome
Hip replacement
Use our Symptom Checker to explore possible causes of your symptoms based upon Mayo Clinic's patient care experience.
Use these simple calculators and self-assessments for personalized health tips.
BMI calculator
Calorie calculator
Discover better health through better weight management
Boost your chances for success and save money with the Mayo Clinic Diet book and journal combo. Learn how to eat right and stay fit for life with information from the experts at Mayo Clinic and record your progress with food lists, activity records and much more with a handy companion journal. Learn more.
Connect with others about spine health
Do you have a spine condition or are you interested in spinal health? Ask a question or join an existing conversation with Mayo Clinic Connect's community of individuals with similar experiences.
Baked oatmeal
Quinoa risotto with arugula and Parmesan
Sweet carrots
Herbal supplements: Safety first
If you take herbal supplements, include a dose of safety in your routine:

1. Don't exceed the recommended dosages.

2. Tell your doctor what you're taking. Some herbs may interfere with other drugs or have other harmful effects.

3. Avoid herbal supplements if you're pregnant or breast-feeding, unless your doctor approves.

Need practical advice on diet and exercise? Want creative solutions for stress and other lifestyle issues? Discover even more healthy lifestyle topics at MayoClinic.org.
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