US added 138,000 jobs in May as unemployment fell to 4.3% | Wal-Mart recruits employees to deliver online purchases | Do your employees understand your work style?
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June 2, 2017
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US added 138,000 jobs in May as unemployment fell to 4.3%
US employers added 138,000 jobs to the nation's nonfarm payrolls in May, lower than the 180,000 jobs predicted by economists surveyed by Bloomberg. The unemployment rate reached 4.3%, a 16-year low.
Reuters (6/2),  The New York Times (free-article access for SmartBrief readers) (6/2),  The Washington Post (tiered subscription model) (6/2) 
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Recruiting & Retention
Wal-Mart recruits employees to deliver online purchases
Wal-Mart employees recruited to deliver online purchases
(Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Wal-Mart has launched a test in which employees deliver online purchases on their way home from work at two stores in New Jersey and one in Arkansas. Trucks already deliver orders to stores for pickup, so having employees cover the last mile of delivery when feasible makes sense, e-commerce chief Marc Lore says.
The Washington Post (tiered subscription model) (6/1),  The Wall Street Journal (tiered subscription model) (6/1) 
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Leadership & Development
Benefits & Compensation
More businesses embrace student-loan perks
Only 4% of companies offered student-loan repayment benefits to employees last year, but that number could grow to nearly 20% by next year, according to advisory firm Willis Towers Watson. The growing practice also has spurred a bipartisan bill in Congress that would provide tax breaks to companies offering the perk.
The Washington Post (tiered subscription model) (5/30) 
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The HR Leader
Inclusion is a group effort
If inclusion efforts are not being pushed by the top of the hierarchy, they won't stick, Ellen McGirt said after talking with people at the Great Place to Work For All conference in Chicago. While senior leaders are beginning these conversations, employees need to stand up and support them if they want the policies to stick, she added.
Fortune (5/25) 
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Workplace Chatter
We are better at telling lies than detecting them
We are better at telling lies than detecting them
Most people are good at lying, but that also makes it hard to detect a lie, writes Yudhijit Bhattacharjee. Researchers have found that people are more prone to believe lies that fit their world views, and in the age of social media, this contributes to the pervasiveness of "alternative facts."
National Geographic (6/2017) 
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