Good morning, Marketer, more of your customers (and your competitors’ customers) are up for grabs.

Although marketers are currently looking ahead well into the new year, there’s reason to believe that with several more shopping days before Christmas, there are customers to be won over with the right strategy.

Data taken from the first week of December by shopping rewards app Shopkick indicates 40% of shoppers (from a pool of nearly 18K) are rethinking what retailers they’re using this year from previous holiday seasons. Add to that, 13% of shoppers don’t plan to have all their shopping completed until Thursday or Friday (with Christmas on Saturday).

The transformation in retail, as well as other industries and marketing as a whole, creates opportunities where none existed several short years ago. For e-commerce, shipping dates are likely too late. But for brick-and-mortars using digital ads and emails to promote at-store pickup, there are still shoppers looking for deals.

For consumers, this means more options and less loyalty. For marketers, this means a last-minute digital strategy for all future holiday seasons.

Chris Wood,

3 ways marketers can increase email engagement

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The game has changed for retailers and brands online. It’s all about customer experience now.

Today’s eCommerce is no longer strictly transactional. Most legacy eCommerce sites don’t meet the expectations of today’s consumer. The “shop button” era has come to a close. Buyers expect rich commerce experiences with valuable content, in which they can learn more and connect with brands from any device or channel. Brands need to deliver a unified and a highly engaging shopping experience known as “experiential commerce.” In this guide, Acquia shares five strategies for experiential commerce to help close the content and commerce integration gap.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

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Quote of the day: “Whoever rebranded crypto as web3 is a marketing genius.” Sara Mauskopf, Co-Founder of Winnie

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