The latest news and analysis about patient safety and quality.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Featured Story

Increased CMS Oversight Puts Pressure on AOs to Spot Problems
In a new report to Congress, CMS says the disparity rate between serious problems identified by the AOs and those found by CMS surveyors within 60 days of survey was 46% in fiscal year 2016, up from 38% and 39%, respectively, in the two preceding fiscal years.

News & Analysis

How to Avoid Medication Errors in Hospitals
The guidelines, which are targeted at health system and hospital settings, are designed to give pharmacists ground rules and best practices to improve patient safety and avoid medication errors.
CMS to Increase Oversight of Accreditation Organizations
CMS wants to put a stronger spotlight on times when The Joint Commission and other accreditation organzations fail to find patient safety problems later discovered by CMS survey teams conducting performance checks referred to as validation surveys.
The New Healthcare CHRO: From Culture Keeper to Culture Driver
The need for continuous improvement requires embracing what psychologists refer to as a “growth mindset,” which stems from the belief that improvement is attainable through hard work and perseverance and can best be achieved through the development of an engaged, collaborative, and highly committed workforce.
Driving Value in Health Management Through Rigorous Measurement
Though it may appear overwhelming, it’s possible for organizations to harness the data collected from their health management efforts to more effectively quantify value.
PSMJ member content

This Simple Tool Predicts Readmission Risk for Heart Attack Patients

The risk model, which is detailed in a recent study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, features seven variables that can be scored in as little as five minutes during a patient's first day of hospital admission.
Sponsored content

Clinical Communications Quiz! How Do Your Hospital Communications Stack Up? Acing or Barely Passing?

Where does your organization stand with its clinical communications strategy? It is time to find out! This quiz allows you to assess how your organization is using clinical communication systems and technologies. By completing the quiz, you'll also be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card!

Industry Events

Wednesday, 10/17 - Connected Health Conference

Monday, 11/5 - NAHQ Next Annual Conference

Sunday, 12/9 - 2018 IHI National Forum on Quality Improvement in Healthcare




Product Spotlight

Avoid Eyewash-Related Regulatory Compliance Issues

During this 90-minute webinar, former hospital administrator and accreditation expert John R. Rosing, MHA, FACHE, will explain what regulators like CMS, The Joint Commission, and OSHA expect from an HCO’s eyewash stations.

Register now!


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