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India: Aruna Rodrigues, initiator of court case that paused GM mustard, evicted from her home

Please sign petition of support

Aruna Rodrigues, who many will know as the initiator the court case that stayed the rollout of GM mustard in India, has unexpectedly been forcibly evicted from her ancestral home by the Indian army just before Christmas. 

Her supporters say that as the lead petitioner in the Indian Supreme Court case against GMOs, Aruna has been a target of attack by the State for quite a while now and they suspect this is a crude attempt to disempower her by the Indian government. 

Parallels are being drawn with the recent gag order issued by Indian Council of Agricultural Research against any academic or public officials criticising GMOs.

Please support Aruna by signing the petition. The web page gives more information about this brazen attack on the civil liberties of an internationally respected senior citizen, who has campaigned tirelessly for the public interest over many years.

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