16 Jul 2021 Subscribe | Contact Us
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Wards Intelligence Data Update

India Vehicle Sales, June 2021

India vehicle sales by vehicle type and company for June 2021.

Canada Truck Sales by Company by GVW, June 2021

Canada truck sales by company, brand, and weight class for June 2021.

Canada Truck Sales by Weight Class, June 2021

Canada truck sales by weight class, source, and company for June 2021.

U.S. Truck Sales by Company by GVW, June 2021

U.S. truck sales by company, brand, and weight class for June 2021. Includes Class 1 and 2 sales by body...

U.S. Truck Sales and Inventory by Weight Class, June 2021

U.S. truck sales by weight class, source, and company for June 2021. Includes inventory by weight class.

Germany Vehicle Sales, June 2021

Germany vehicle sales by vehicle type and company for June 2021.

Fuel Economy Index, June 2021

U.S. light-vehicle fuel-economy index by company, segment group, vehicle type and source for June 2021.