TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 6, 2018

Income Inequality in the U.S. Is Even Worse Than You've Been Led to Believe

By Alex Henderson, AlterNet

Data show the country is failing its lower and middle-income earners miserably. READ MORE»

These Cities Saw the Most Immigration Raids During Trump's First Year in Office

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

Despite the protection of sanctuary cities, the number of arrests is climbing.  READ MORE»

Trump's 'Trade War' May Be a Sign of Desperation

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Trump can’t appoint himself president for life—at least not yet. Starting a pointless trade war will have to do. READ MORE»

How an Anti-Democracy Media Landscape Led to Trump

By Frances Moore Lappé, Adam Eichen, FAIR

A closer look at the 1990s and the deregulation of media. READ MORE»

Watch Former Trump Aide Sam Nunberg Start to Realize on Live TV That Mueller Could Have Him Arrested

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

"He can send me to jail, and then I'll laugh about it." READ MORE»

From Coal Miners to Teachers: West Virginia Continues to Lead Radical Labor Struggle in the U.S.

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

Strike fever may be spreading to other states.  READ MORE»

California Shows How to Fight Climate Change and Help Underserved Communities

By Emi Wang, AlterNet

The Golden State recognizes that poverty and pollution go hand in hand, and that smart policies can help tackle both. READ MORE»

Just How Powerful Is Russia Internationally?

By Justin Podur, AlterNet

If military power is determined by industrial power, we have little to fear from Russia. READ MORE»

Inside the Medical Device Racket

By Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet

Millions of Americans have under-regulated and overhyped devices in their bodies. READ MORE»

The History of Healing Trauma With Hypnosis

By Thom Hartmann, Park Street Press

Freud and Ben Franklin were among the pioneers of bilateral therapy. READ MORE»

Donut Chain Owner Accused of Harassment Says 'Low-Life' Women Who Worked for Him Are Unworthy of Being Groped

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

He's been sued multiple times by employees who allege mistreatment. READ MORE»

Jim Hightower: There's a Blue Wave Cresting in Statewide Elections

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

Democrats are winning big locally.  READ MORE»

Trump's Tacky Effort to Monetize the Presidency at His Golf Course May Be Illegal

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

The president continues his efforts to enrich himself through public office. READ MORE»

If the Response to the Parkland Shooting Made You More Hopeful, You’re Not Wrong

By Marty Kaplan, The Forward

These teenagers and their activism are a rare good sign for the future. READ MORE»

George W. Bush Is Telling People That Trump Makes Him Look 'Pretty Good' by Comparison


The former president is reportedly perplexed by the current president's bizarre, destructive behavior. READ MORE»

Republicans Plan to Deregulate Most Banks 10 Years After Financial Crisis—Some Democrats Are Allowing It

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

Proponents of the bill say they're helping "small community banks."  READ MORE»

Trump Confuses Totalitarian North Korea with Democratic Ally South Korea in Gridiron Club Remarks

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

The president's apparent gaffe is among his most embarrassing yet. READ MORE»

Ex-Trump Aide Sam Nunberg Calls Sarah Sanders a 'Fat Slob' in Repulsively Sexist Attack

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

The former aide also criticized the president for his low approval ratings. READ MORE»

Republican Strategist Was Told Mueller Has Documents Linking Trump to Russian Interests During Campaign

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

His comments align with reporting about the special prosecutor's current investigation focus. READ MORE»

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