Alasdair Macleod, Michael Hudson and Chen Lin return this week on the program.
It is beginning to be obvious that global economic woes extend beyond COVID lockdowns and that monetary inflation for the dollar, as the common foundation for other fiat currencies, whose issuers face similar problems, will continue to accelerate. Fiat currencies have only survived this long due to increased financialization of the dollar and the US economy. Since the 1980s Wall Street has gradually dominated the US economy at the expense of Main Street. It has done so through monetary inflation, creating the conditions for the ultimate monetary collapse.
We will ask Alasdair to help us explain how the dollar’s trip toward the dustbin of history is likely to proceed and what we should be looking for to tell us it’s happening. Michael Hudson will talk about Hannan Metals joint venture with a world class mining entity to fund Hannan’s world class copper-silver target in Peru. Chen will share his latest investment ideas.