In this issue, January 01, 2019 View it in your browser.

InfoQ on Alexa, QCon 2018 Retrospective, Recommendations at LinkedIn, Envoy, Unity AR Foundation, ASP.NET Core, Deno, Blockchain, Reactive DDD, Lean Product Management

High Performance & Low Latency Specialist Martin Thompson, author of Reactive Design Patterns & co-author of the Reactive Manifesto Roland Kuhn, Java Champion, Engineer, and Evangelist Trisha Gee are some of the 50 already confirmed QCon London speakers. Join them and save £375 by Jan 26th using the code INFOQ75!

Be "the disruptor" this year. A quick overview of trends in 2018 & 2019

  1. A retrospective article, best content on InfoQ in 2018
  2. Charles Humble & Wes Reisz speculate on what 2019 might have in store
  3. Most important trends from software architecture conferences (QCons) across the globe
  4. The 2018 InfoQ Editors’ Recommended Reading List: Part One
  5. The 2018 InfoQ Editors’ Recommended Reading List: Part Two

InfoQ Headlines Now Available as Alexa Flash Briefing

InfoQ released an Alexa Flash briefing that tells you the latest tech-news available on This flash briefing skill gives you an update on the latest trends in software, and summarizes it in less than two minutes. The skill is available wherever Amazon has English Alexa skills. (News)

The InfoQ eMag: QCon 2018 Retrospective

We take a look back at the QCon highlights in 2018, including QCon London, QCon.AI, QCon New York and QCon San Francisco. (eMag)

Charles Humble and Wes Reisz Take a Look Back at 2018 and Speculate on What 2019 Might Have in Store

Charles Humble and Wes Reisz talk about autonomous vehicles, GDPR, quantum computing, Microservices, AR/VR and more. (Podcast)

Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon San Francisco 2018

This year around 1,600 attendees descended on the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco for the twelfth annual QCon. Software engineers, architects, and project managers from a wide range of industries - including some prominent Bay-area companies - attended 99 technical sessions across 6 concurrent tracks, 13 ask me anything sessions with speakers, 18 in-depth workshops, and 8 facilitated open spaces. (Article)

The Right Amount of Trust for AI

Chris Butler discusses the building blocks of AI from a product/design perspective, what trust is, how trust is gained and lost, and techniques one can use to build trusted AI products. (Presentation)

Machine Learning Interpretability in the GDPR Era

Gregory Antell explores the definition of interpretability in ML, the trade-offs with complexity and performance, and surveys the major methods used to interpret and explain ML models in the GDPR era (Presentation)

The Future of AI

The panelists discuss the future of artificial intelligence. (Presentation)

Nearline Recommendations for Active Communities @LinkedIn

Hema Raghavan focusses on technologies they have built to power LinkedIn’s “People You May Know” product. She describes their nearline platform for notification recommendation and shows that delivering the right information to the right user at the right time is critical to building an actively engaged community. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 4-6, 2019. Join us!



Practical AI and ML Conference (April 15-17, 2019), San Francisco CA

Helping senior software engineers and architects uncover real-world patterns, practices, and use cases for applying artificial intelligence/machine learning in engineering. Get an $80 discount if you register using the code infoqai19!


  1. Microsoft Announces a Public Preview of Python Support for Azure Functions

  2. Amazon Introduces AWS Cloud Map

  3. EnvoyCon 2018 Part One Summary: The Rise of Envoy, xDS APIs, and Square and Alibaba Adoption

  4. Grafana Adds Log Data Correlation to Time Series Metrics

  5. License Changes for Confluent Platform Restricting Cloud Vendor Usage

Building a VPC with CloudFormation - Part 2

If you're building separate Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) templates for each infrastructure use case, you can make existing templates more flexible by using Parameters, Conditions, Mappings, and Outputs. (Article)


  1. Cross-Platform Augmented Reality Apps with Unity AR Foundation

  2. GitLab 11.6 Supports Serverless Function Deployment

Securing Microservices in Hybrid Cloud

Komes Subramaniam introduces T-Mobile’s Authentication and Authorization Process (TAAP), presenting how it works and what are the benefits. (Presentation)

How to Test ASP.NET Core Web API

In this article, we will investigate testing your ASP.NET Core 2.0 Web API solutions. We will look at internal testing with Unit Testing and externally testing your solution with a new testing framework in ASP.NET Core called Integration Testing. (Article)

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Deno: Secure V8 TypeScript Runtime from Original Node.js Creator

Angular2+ Reactive Forms

Lyndsey Padget steps through building a reactive form in Angular 2+ with code snippets and demos. (Presentation)

Microsoft Open-sources the UEFI Core Used by Surface Devices and Hyper-V

Project Mu aims to make it easier for developers to quickly create and frequently update the firmware of their devices, enabling Project Mu devices to adopt a Firmware as a Service (FaaS) evolution model. Project Mu contains the same code leveraged in several of products, including the Microsoft Surface and Hyper-V, Microsoft says. (News)

Understanding Blockchain Basics and Use Cases

We discuss the two main types of blockchain solution, and some of the major variants deployed today. Use cases for the different solutions are also explored. (Article)

Improving the Design of Existing Software

Steve Smith looks at some common places for signs of app design degradation, showing steps to take to improve the code. Examples use C#/.NET but are generally applicable regardless of platform. (Presentation)

Architectures that Bend but Don't Break

Matt Stine discusses the architecture of robust systems which are adapting to changing conditions in order to not only survive stress but sometimes to benefit from it. (Presentation)

Connecting, Managing, Observing, and Securing Services

Zack Butcher talks about how a service mesh helps with the transition from monoliths to microservices, to empower operations teams, and to adopt security best-practices. Then he talks about a few advanced use cases, like how a service mesh can help us build applications deployed across multiple clusters and multiple infrastructure providers. (Presentation with transcript included)

Reactive DDD—When Concurrent Waxes Fluent

Vaughn Vernon gives practical guidance on using DDD to model business-driven solutions that result in software that is fluent, type-safe, and with core Reactive properties. Specific attention is given to moving legacy systems that have deep debt to ones that have clear boundaries, deliver explicit and fluent business models, and exploit modern hardware and software architectures. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. What Can We Learn from the Digital Natives Using Lean

  2. The Future of Work Is Female

Q&A on the Book "Lean Product Management"

The book “Lean Product Management” by Mangalam Nandakumar is about finding the smartest way to build an Impact Driven Product that can deliver value to customers and meet business outcomes when operating under internal and external constraints. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Digital Transformation at Scale

The book Digital Transformation at Scale by Andrew Greenway, Ben Terrett, Mike Bracken and Tom Loosemore, explores what governmental and other large organizations can do to make a digital transformation happen. It is based on the authors’ experience designing and helping to deliver the UK’s Government Digital Service (GDS). (Article)

DBS Bank : Changing the Way We Hire, Work and Deliver Digital Experiences to Our Customers

Siew Choo Soh discusses DBS Bank’s new approach to customers using the latest digital solutions. (Presentation)

Fireside Chat – Strategic Agility

In conversation with Nigel Dalton and Steve Denning share what’s involved in what he believes to be the next frontier of Agile management – Strategic Agility. (Presentation)