In this issue, December 4, 2018 View it in your browser.

InfoQ's New Desktop, Grady Booch on AI, AWS Recap, Neural Interfaces, Google Go 2, Visual Studio Code, OpenJDK at Red Hat, iPhone XS JavaScript Performance

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The Path to Service Mesh

Whether you're looking to build microservices or modernize legacy apps, you may need a service mesh to reduce complexity and scale. Learn More in This Free Ebook.

InfoQ's New Desktop Design: Public Beta and Video Tour

We've made a number of changes to InfoQ's desktop site, the third major overhaul of our design since we got started in 2006. You can switch to the new design now to try it out. (News)

Jason Maude on Building a Modern Cloud-Based Banking Startup in Java

Wes Reisz talks with Jason Maude of Starling Bank. Starling Bank is a relatively new startup in the United Kingdom working in the banking sector. They discuss the architecture, technology choices, and design processes used at Starling. In addition, Maude goes into some of the realities of building in the cloud, working with regulators, and proven robustness with practices like chaos testing. (Podcast)

Dominic Price on Why Agile is Not Always the Answer

In this podcast recorded at the Agile 2018 conference, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to Dominic Price from Atlassian about his opening keynote at the Agile 2018 conference. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Sony Trains ResNet-50 on ImageNet in 224 Seconds

  2. Google Introduces AI Hub and Kubeflow Pipelines for Easier ML Deployment

  3. Microsoft Announces Container Support for Azure Cognitive Services

Sentiment Analysis: What's with the Tone?

Sentiment analysis is widely applied in voice of the customer (VOC) applications. In this article, the authors discuss NLP-based Sentiment Analysis based on machine learning (ML) and lexicon-based approaches using KNIME data analysis tools. (Article)

The State of AI Marketing

Federico Gobbi discusses the current state of AI in marketing, trends, case studies, technologies, ethics, regulations and compliance. (Presentation)

Using Data Effectively: beyond Art and Science

Hilary Parker talks about approaches and techniques to collect the most useful data, analyze it in a scientific way, and use it most effectively to drive actions and decisions. This talk provides actionable insights about how to apply the lens of design thinking to help use data more effectively in our everyday job. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 4-6, 2019. Join us!

Building the Enchanted Land

Grady Booch examines what AI is and what it is not, as well as how it came to be and where it's headed. Along the way, he examines some best practices for engineering AI systems. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 4-6, 2019. Join us!



The Architecture of a Real-Time Operational DBMS

Learn how one engineering team built a distributed database system for real-time workloads that both enables efficient clustering and data partitioning while optimizing the usage of CPUs, DRAM, SSDs, and networks. Learn More.


  1. AWS Amplify Console for Rapid Application Deployment

  2. AWS Release “Firecracker”, an Open Source Rust-Based microVM for Container and Serverless Workloads

  3. Recap of AWS re:Invent 2018 Announcements

  4. Amazon Introduces the Predictive Scaling Feature to EC2 Instances

  5. Five Initiatives to Modernize Jenkins and Kill the "Jenkinsteins"

Exploring Azure Service Fabric Mesh: A Platform for Building Mission Critical Microservices

Azure has released a preview of Service Fabric Mesh, a platform targeted at microservice developers who do not want the operational responsibility of running an underlying orchestration platform. InfoQ recently sat down with Chacko Daniel, principal technical PM at Microsoft, to explore the details. (Article)



AI driven Cloud Monitoring

Site24x7's flexible cloud monitoring solution supports applications hosted in both private and public infrastructure. Monitor forty servers and three applications at $35 per month. #AIOps #AWS #APM #SaaS devops Monitoring. #Value #TCO.


  1. Google’s Plan towards Go 2

  2. Visual Studio Code 1.29 Improves Search, Debug, and More

Rethinking HCI with Neural Interfaces @CTRLlabsCo

Adam Berenzweig talks about brain-computer interfaces, neuromuscular interfaces, and other biosensing techniques that can eliminate the need for physical controllers. Berenzweig also approaches the emerging field of neural interaction design. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 4-6, 2019. Join us!



Python Deep Learning Projects

  • Implement complex deep learning projects
  • Implement seq-to-seq networks for modeling for NLP
Get the Preview of the book.


  1. Book Review: Java by Comparison

  2. The Future of OpenJDK at Red Hat

Testing Your Message-Driven Application

Marcin Grzejszczak and Jakub Pilimon discuss using events as integration messages in a system, addressing content-negotiation, versioning and acceptance tests. (Presentation)

Walking up the Spring for Apache Kafka Stack

Viktor Gamov and Gary Russell discuss several Spring projects targeted at Kafka developers: spring-kafka, spring-integration-kafka, the kafka binder for spring-cloud-stream. (Presentation)

Spring, Kotlin and the Functional Way

Sébastien Deleuze demos a Spring application with functional configuration, written in Kotlin and leveraging some of the ideas from the Spring Fu experimental project. (Presentation)

What's New in Reactor "Californium"

Stephane Maldini presents some of the latest additions to Reactor, Reactor Core 3.2, new Reactor Addons and Reactor Netty 0.8. (Presentation)



Microservices for Java Developers (By O'Reilly)

This eBook provides a hands-on approach to three useful Java frameworks for building microservices: Spring Boot, Dropwizard, and WildFly. Compare and contrast them through a handful of familiar patterns. Download Now.

Distributed Caching with ASP.NET Core

ASP.NET Core applications deployed to the cloud can receive performance benefits from the use of distributed caching. Matthew Groves explores how Couchbase Server can serve this purpose well. Couchbase Server is a memory-first database that is great for use as a distributed cache, and ASP.NET Core makes it easy to utilize this database in your applications. (Article)

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Mozilla Focuses on WebAssembly Performance and Features

  2. TypeScript 3.2 Improves Metaprogramming Support and Adds BigInt

  3. The Story behind Very Fast iPhone XS JavaScript Performance

  4. Google Labs Announces Squoosh: Image Compression PWA

A Room with a Vue.js

Ryan Rousseau introduces Vue.js, building a simple web application to showcase its features and benefits. (Presentation)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Performance Testing for Reactive Services

  2. HashiCorp Improves Consul Service Mesh Integration with Kubernetes

  3. Splitting Stateful Services across Continents at Instagram

Keep It Simple, Stupid: Driving Model Adoption through Tiers

Jamie Warner covers a tiered approach to model introduction and implementation that focuses on building stakeholder buy-in without abandoning advanced techniques. (Presentation)

If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, It Doesn’t Matter How Fast You Get There

Jez Humble and Nicole Forsgren explain the importance of knowing how (and what) to measure in order to focus on what’s important and communicate progress to peers, leaders, and stakeholders. Great outcomes don’t realize themselves, after all, and having the right metrics provides the data needed to keep getting better at building, delivering, and operating software systems. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon London, March 4-6, 2019. Join us!

Be the one that brings innovation to your team

Get your monthly guide to all the topics, technologies and techniques that every professional or aspiring software architect needs to know about. Recent topics include serverless, chaos engineering and event-driven design.

See what’s new in Software Architecture on InfoQ, including:

  • The JHipster Mini-Book 5.0
  • Domain-Driven Design in Practice (eMag)
  • Building Production Ready Applications: Lessons Learned from LinkedIn
  • And more...

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Underplayed Premises of TDD

  2. The Importance of Feedback for Skill Development and Careers

From Warfare to Outsourced Software Development

There are parallels between outsource software development and military engagements which can shed light on some tactics that may help delivering software products. Medhat explores three ideas from military strategy which project management can use to improve the liklihood of success in outsource software development projects. (Article)

Three Keys to a Successful “Pre-Mortem”

Talking about what might go wrong acknowledges that many things are out of our control, and that we might mess up the things which are within our control. To have this conversation safely involves a structured activity called a pre-mortem. If held with some regularity, and always with creative problem solving time at the end, it can build a safe space for adaptation in the face of adversity. (Article)

Scaling Agile to an 800-Person Team

Dylan Smith discusses how Microsoft’s TFS/VSTS team changed their culture, what their agile practices and planning horizons are, and the changing roles and team structures over the years. (Presentation)