
Roundup: Register for these virtual events!
Sign up for these upcoming virtual events!
Enterprise Connect Webinars - Together with No Jitter
Information Needed - RSVP ASAP! 

We’re waiting on your response for these upcoming virtual events, if we don't hear from you, we will be releasing your seat!

Check out what is on the schedule for the upcoming weeks below and please register for each event! We hope you can join us! 
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[Virtual Summit] Building Customer Experience for the Next Generation
December 14, 2022 | 12:00pm - 5:00pm ET
In this virtual summit, a leading independent industry expert will deliver a keynote talk addressing the range of issues surrounding Customer Experience in 2022.

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[Webinar] Beyond Tradition: Why Failing to Evolve your Conventional Call Center is Costing you Customers, Employees, and Profits
December 6, 2022 | 2:00pm ET
Join this live webinar to learn how the contact center industry is shifting by looking at the customer experience as a revenue driver, not a cost driver.

Hosted by:
No Jitter and Enterprise Connect