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unseen life
Ingar Krauss
untitled (sugar beet), 2017
Gelatin Silver Print
30 x 24 cm
© VG Bild-Kunst Bonn

Ingar Krauss »


unseen life

An exhibition with Jürgen Knubben
6 – 19 May 2024

Opening: Sunday, 5 May, 11 am, Ingar Krauss will be present.
Jour fixe: Sunday, 12 May, 5 pm, Artists in dialogue with visitors
Finissage: Sunday, 19 May, 5 pm, Jürgen Knubben will be present.


Bergstr. 12-1 . 86199 Augsburg
T +49 (0)821-65073661

Thu-Su 5-7pm and by appt.
unseen life
Jürgen Knubben
Lineatur XVI, 2019
Cast iron pipes screwed
205 x 85 x 100 cm
WV 507
© VG Bild-Kunst Bonn
In the exhibition "unseen life", fotodiskurs brings together two artists from opposite regions of Germany, from the Oderbruch and the Black Forest. Each in his own way and each in his very own medium, both are concerned with aspects of live that are usually hidden and taken for granted in our everyday lives.

Ingar Kraus takes analogue photographs of sugar beets in classic black and white. They are the raw material for the industrial production of sugar. Sugar sweetens our everyday lives and generates huge profits for the food industry. Only very few of us get to see this crop and when we do so, it is in large heaps, just harvested and waiting to be brought to the factory. But Ingar Krauss takes care of every single beetroot. He brings them to his photo studio and takes their portraits. The slender and elegant one, the fat and plump one, the chubby and crubby one, the broad and bearded one. He pays the same appreciative attention to all beetroot personalities as he does to the people he takes portraits of. Now a selection of these photographs is transforming fotodiskurs into a Gallery of Beauties of a special kind.

Jürgen Knubben makes iron grow. He uses pipes as they are laid for our domestic supply. They are the raw material for his sculptures shown at fotodiskurs. These pipes bring water to our kitchens and bathrooms and supply us with domestic gas for our heating. Without them, our lives would be much less comfortable. Jürgen Knubben screws them together: short and long straight sections, elbows, branch-offs. They grow upwards, winding from the ground. The brown rust is their bark. No drinking water is transported in them, no domestic gas. Instead, they transport imaginations, ideas. The iron bushes grow between the sugar beets in the fotodiskurs.
unseen life
Ingar Krauss
untitled (sugar beet), 2017
Gelatin Silver Print
30 x 24 cm
© VG Bild-Kunst Bonn
fotodiskurs is the studio pavilion of Christof Rehm. The exhibitions he shows here are about the boundaries of photography and the position of photography in the canon of the arts. For this reason, two artists from different genres are brought together in each exhibition so that a dialogue, a debate, a discourse between the artistic media and the artists themselves can unfold. In addition, there is a booklet that brings together images of the exhibited works with poetry and literary food for thought in order to expand and deepen the thematic range of the exhibition. In this way, a separate work is created that artistically combines fine art and literature. The ambitious 2024 programme is financially supported by the City of Augsburg and the Arno Buchegger Foundation and accompanied by a3kultur.
unseen life
Ingar Krauss
untitled (sugar beet), 2017
Gelatin Silver Print
30 x 24 cm
© VG Bild-Kunst Bonn
Ingar Krauss was born in East Berlin in 1965. He lives and works in Berlin and the Oderbruch region. He exclusively photographs in analogue, mostly black and white, and also develops all the prints himself. He has taken part in numerous exhibitions in Germany and abroad. His books have been published by Hatje Cantz, Kerber, Thames & Hudson and others. In 2023 Hartmann Books (Stuttgart) released an elaborate portfolio of 36 prints of sugar beets in an embossed box.

Jürgen Knubben was born in Rottweil in 1955 and lives there today. He has been working as a sculptor for over 50 years and works almost exclusively with steel. He also has taken part in countless national and international exhibitions. His works are represented in many public and private collections. His catalogue raisonné of 500 pages was published by modo-Verlag Freiburg in 2017.
unseen life
"unseen life", installation view fotodiskurs 2024
Foto: Christof Rehm © VG Bild-Kunst Bonn
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© 30 Apr 2024 photography now UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Ziegelstr. 29 . D–10117 Berlin
Editors: Claudia Stein & Michael Steinke
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