| | Om je MyYogaplace profiel te activeren: Ga je naar https://my.yogaplace.nl Je komt dan in het inlog scherm. Klik hier op ‘Lost Password’ (dus niet op 'Register') en vul hier het mailadres in waarop je deze mail hebt ontvangen. |
In je email ontvang je dan een link waarop je een nieuw wachtwoord kunt aanmaken. Neem een wachtwoord dat je makkelijk onthoudt. |
Nadat je wachtwoord is aangemaakt, kun je inloggen en aan de slag om je eerste workshop te boeken in je eigen account. Veel plezier in je eigen Yogaplace omgeving! Vragen, mail dan naar info@yogaplace.nl of bel 043 326 07 07 |
Via deze button op onze website kom je ook terecht op MyYogaplace. |
You receive this email because you have contacted Yogaplace in the past or became a member. If you do not have any further interest please unsubscribe below. Dear Yogi & Yogini, From today we launch a new option: MyYogaplace. This is a really convenient log in system for booking workshops and view your profile information in your own account. This option will further develop in the near future. This also means that our existing webshop for now is still selling products, accessoires, class cards, private classes, massages etc. We give you a short instruction how to activate your own profile below. |
To activate your personal MyYogaplace profile: Go to https://my.yogaplace.nl The log in window will appear, click on ‘Lost Password’ (not on 'Register') and please fill in your email address on which you received this email.
In your mail you will receive a link, click on it and create a new password. Please come up with a password you can easily remember. |
After your password is created, you can log in and start booking your first workshop in your own account. Have fun in your own Yogaplace environment! Questions please mail to info@yogaplace.nl or call our office: +31 43 326 07 07 |
Use this button on our website to go to MyYogaplace. |
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