Plus, why the GOP never broke with its lunatic fringe, and more...
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March 8, 2021
The John Birch Society Never Left

Why it’s foolish to think the modern GOP will ever break with its lunatic fringe

By Rick Perlstein and Edward H. Miller


The Gen X Culture Warriors Who Never Grew Up How the 1990s created a group of thinkers obsessed with cancel cultureBy Jacob Bacharach
The Great Blind Spot in Hurricane Preparedness Hurricane season is getting longer. Building higher sea walls won’t save us.By Nick Martin
Inside a Long, Messy Year of Reopening Schools Teachers unions were accused of being obstinate and compromising education. The real story is a lot more complex.By Rachel M. Cohen
The Sad Implosion of Google’s Ethical A.I. The surveillance-capitalist giant fired some of its most popular researchers—and revealed its true colors in the process.By Jacob Silverman


The Outlaw Chemists Who Deserve a Cut of the Psychedelic Gold Rush They seeded medical breakthroughs and emerging markets. Now expunge their criminal records and let them go legit.By John Semley
David Brooks and the Endless Grift of the Conservative Commentariat Conservative columnists have been raking in money from big business for decades.By Alex Shephard


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