Riyadh’s Sports Boulevard megaproject aims to transform the Saudi capital into a top global destination by creating a 135km green pathway with facilities for 50 different sports and more

Inclusive of 1- to 3-bedroom apartments and penthouses, starting at AED 1.8 million, Address Residences Zabeel is a collection of four iconic towers, located in Dubai’s financial district

The proposal by the European Commission is now open for feedback until March 1, 2024

The Abu Dhabi financial centre is aware of the critical role strong corporate reporting and high-quality audits play in maintaining a robust and well-functioning financial ecosystem

As part of the partnership, Ardian, which already has a presence in ADGM, has committed to scaling its team within the market

Under the terms of the MoU, the two companies will provide continuous intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance

The most global MMA organization has held 22 shows in Europe so far, which is expected to increase to at least 28 by the end of the year

In this special issue, we present the biggest names in Dubai’s vibrant business community, and their plans to help the emirate continue its status as the leading hub of industry and entrepreneurship in this part of the world

UAE real estate specialist Asteco analysed Dubai property market for 2023 Q4 real estate report

Dubai’s Real Estate Regulatory Authority fined firms for breaking property advertising rules

Riyadh’s office market showcased remarkable agility in Q4 2023, with a 31% surge in office transactions during 2023

World Defence Show witnessed signing of 61 purchase contracts in Saudi Arabia

Dubai’s Emaar Development has reported a sharp increase in property sales across 2023

The startup’s innovative business model will enable customers to only pay for the period they actively use the apparel, empowering budget-constraint fashion enthusiasts to chase their craze for trendy, top-end brands

UAE and Cambodia’s Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement begins

AEEDC Dubai 2024 saw business deals worth $5.2bn this week

S&P Global Ratings expects UAE GDP growth to accelerate to 5.4 per cent this year

Environment Agency Abu Dhabi and Modon Properties launch UAE’s first smog-free-tower

Gen Z is armed with more wellness-related data, and more tools to measure it, than previous generations could ever have contemplated

Investors need to keep a long-term mindset

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Matthew Amlôt
Editorial Director, Arabian Business

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Andy Sulahian

Group Commercial Director

Direct: +971 4 444 3597

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