
Register for the one-on-one webinars fro Air Transport Month.
Air Transport Month 2020 is a virtual experience that will gather the community to assess what we learned from shutdown, the path forward to recovery and what analysts predict for 2021 and beyond. Take a look at the boardroom discussions and webinars below and register now!
Aviation Week Network's Air Transport editors speak to industry leaders to find out their perspectives on the state of the industry and what strategies they are implementing as they navigate through the current economic challenges.

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NOVEMBER 16 | 10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT
Gary Kelly
CEO And Chairman
Southwest Airlines
Karen Walker
Air Transport World Editor-in-Chief
Aviation Week Network
Gary Kelly is among the most respected leaders of one of the most successful and imitated airlines. He joined Dallas, Texas-based Southwest Airlines in 1986, worked closely with then-CEO Herb Kelleher and was promoted to Chief Financial Officer in 1989 before assuming the CEO and Chairman role in 2004.

Join Aviation Week Network as he provides insight into how Southwest is adapting to be able to depend predominantly on leisure travel through the industry’s recovery years and how he sees the US airline industry being reshaped by the pandemic.
NOVEMBER 17 | 11:00 EST / 16:00 GMT
Robin Hayes
Karen Walker
Air Transport World Editor-in-Chief
Aviation Week Network
Robin Hayes joined New York-based JetBlue Airways in 2008, ultimately taking the helm as CEO in February 2015. An airline renowned for its strong customer service and innovation, Hayes will share his perspective on the future of the transatlantic market and JetBlue’s plans to enter that market next year, beginning with flights from New York and Boston to London.

As the pandemic crisis struck the US in early 2020, JetBlue was at the forefront of initiatives such as requiring masks for all passengers, trialing cabin sanitizers that use UV technology, and guaranteeing flexibility for customers to change their flights without fees.
NOVEMBER 17 - 17:00 EST / NOVEMBER 18 - 9:00 GMT +11 (Sydney)
Alan Joyce
Adrian Schofield
Senior Air Transport Editor
Aviation Week Network
One of the airline industry’s most highly regarded executives, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce, has never been one to avoid bold steps. The pandemic has provided the Australian carrier’s greatest challenge, but it has been quick to respond with a wide range of measures. Hear about the progress it is making and what comes next.

  • What is the outlook for Australia’s domestic market as state border restrictions are progressively removed?
  • What are the prospects for international travel, and in what way could this resume?
  • Are the airline’s ultra-long-haul ambitions under Project Sunrise still on the table?
  • How might the roles of the global airline alliances change in a post-pandemic world?

Gain insights from one of the world’s most iconic long-haul carriers, which marks its 100th anniversary this year.
NOVEMBER 19 | 9:00 EST / 14:00 GMT
Alexandre De Juniac
Director General
Karen Walker
Air Transport World Editor-in-Chief
Aviation Week Network
Alexandre de Juniac took the helm at IATA in September 2016, representing the world’s major airlines through some of the industry’s most financially successful and highest growth years. In 2020, he is helping steer the industry through its worst-ever crisis, wrought by a pandemic that has devastated demand for air travel. A former CEO of Air France-KLM Group, de Juniac has first-hand experience in major airline management.

On the eve of the opening of the 76th IATA AGM on November 24, de Juniac will discuss that meeting’s top priorities and talk about where the industry stands on key issues such as expanding international air travel bubbles, encouraging governments to establish COVID-19 pre-flight testing regimes, and getting the global air transport industry back on to a firmer footing.
NOVEMBER 19 | 10:00 EST / 15:00 GMT
Henrik Hololei
Mobility & Air Transport Director General
European Commission
Jens Flottau
Executive Editor, Commercial Aviation
Aviation Week Network
Henrik Hololei assumed the position of Director General, Mobility & Transport, at the European Commission in October 2015. He has been a passionate promoter and enabler of aviation liberalization, enabling one of the world’s most unrestricted air transport markets.

  • How will aviation liberalization and Open Skies be shaped by the pandemic and a worldwide market shrinkage? 
  • What does he see changing in the all-important transatlantic market?
  • How will the competitive landscape change as some European airlines see the return to government ownership?
  • What is the EC’s role in maintaining competition while also ensuring European airline survivability?
  • What does the apparent gap in Brexit trade talks mean for UK-European air travel?

Join Aviation Week Network as we discuss these questions and more.
NOVEMBER 23 | 11:00 EST / 16:00 GMT
Arjan Meijer
Embraer Commercial Aviation
Jens Flottau
Executive Editor, Commercial Aviation
Aviation Week Network

Arjan Meijer was promoted to President and CEO of Embraer Commercial Aviation in June, having been Chief Commercial Officer since 2017. He takes the helm at a critical time of change for the industry and for Embraer, which until the pandemic struck had been on course to be integrated with Boeing until that deal was canceled. But with the global air transport industry shrinking, more airlines will be looking to smaller aircraft—a potential opportunity for the E-Jet and maybe a good time to consider launching a new turboprop, as hinted at by Meijer. How will this Brazilian OEM steer through changing airline needs?

Join Aviation Week Network as we discuss these topics and more.
DECEMBER 2 | 10:30 EST / 15:30 GMT
Brian Pearce
Chief Economist
Karen Walker
Air Transport World Editor-in-Chief
Aviation Week Network
An exclusive one-on-one with Chief Economist Brian Pearce as IATA releases its 2021 forecast for global airline financial and traffic stats. Nothing could have prepared the air transport industry or those who monitor its financial health for the crippling effect of the pandemic.

A year ago, IATA was forecasting another profitable, traffic growth year for airlines worldwide in 2020. Pearce has been tracking and analyzing the effects of the COVID-19 virus on a daily basis through the year and will share his data and thoughts on how that will play out through 2021, globally and region by region.   
As well as the one-one-one webinars we will be hosting panel webinars featuring Aviation Week Network's editors and expert external guests who will discuss the crucial topics in the industry. Take a look at the webinars and register today!

NOW DISCUSSING THE COVID-19 VACCINE - Aircraft OEMs and COVID-19: Light at the End of the Tunnel?- November 16

NEW SPEAKER ANNOUNCED - Return of the MAX- November 24