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Tuesday April 21 2020
InSinkErator’s products and solutions are experiencing growth in the United Arab Emirates
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Top 25 MEP Contractors of 2018
Progress made on Dubai's deep tunnel storm water system
Empower announces a 10% discount on bills for the next three months
Top 20 MEP Consultants 2019
Expo 2020 Dubai Participants express unity and solidarity in face of global COVID-19
Empower becomes the first district cooling company in the region to launch e-registration
“Health and safety is a top priority, and replacing personal turnout with registration via website reflects our keenness to their wellbeing in this difficult situation."
Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry launch information platform
“Business Connect”, aims to help companies and institutions in Dubai overcome the economic repercussions of the spread of the virus.
Azelio signs MoU with partner in Chile for energy storage supply to the mining industry
The MoU frameworks a collaboration over a 10MW capacity of Azelio’s energy storage from 2021 until 2024.
Operating cashflow challenges in the short term creating major challenges
Companies need to review trapped and illiquid cash within the group structure.
Bentley Systems opens full access to ProjectWise 365, waives subscription fees
“By fully ‘digitally’ enabling every infrastructure professional, we hope to support their resilience in surmounting this crisis.”
Bahrain warns of site closures
Sites that pose a threat to public safety will be forced to down tools.
Tom Oxtoby
Editor, MEP Middle East
Direct: +971 4 444 3419
Email: tom.oxtoby@itp.com
Anup Nagpurkar
Group Sales Manager, MEP Middle East
Telephone: +971 4 444 3573
Direct: +971 52 895 0931
Email: anup.nagpurkar@itp.com
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