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Portfolio-Building Strategies That Outperform The Market

Instill Confidence in Your Clients

by Reducing Risk and Boosting Returns

Marc Chaikin,
Creator of Chaikin Money Flow & Founder of Chaikin Analytics

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Tuesday, October 1st   |   2:00 pm (ET)

*   1 CE Credit available  *

Find out how to build powerful portfolios that instill confidence in your clients!

Join Marc Chaikin, creator of Chaikin Money Flow, for a demonstration on how to use new technologies for smarter stock and ETF selections (regardless of where the market is headed). See how helping clients better understand the market and their portfolios can enhance communication and strengthen advisor-client relationships!

PLUS, He'll also show you how to:

  • Avoid over-hyped stocks and other landmines that can destroy portfolios & erode client trust
  • Pinpoint the sectors that will outperform for the long haul
  • Anticipate whether a stock is likely to beat or miss earnings estimates
  • Leverage the indicators that predict a stock's "personality change" ahead of big price movements

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About Marc Chaikin

After 40 years on Wall Street as a trader, stock broker, analyst and head of the options department for a major brokerage firm, Marc founded Chaikin Analytics LLC to deliver proven stock analytics to investors and traders, based on the Chaikin Power Gauge stock rating, a 20-factor alpha model proven effective at identifying a stock’s potential. Chaikin developed computerized stock selection models and technical indicators that have become industry standards (including Chaikin Money Flow) and pioneered the first real-time analytics workstation for portfolio managers and stock traders.

P.S. Can't attend? Register now and get the recording.


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