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Intercultural Cities Programme
Intercultural Cities| February 2022 - 26th issue
Publication of the Annual report of the Intercultural Cities programme
Publication of the Annual report of the Intercultural Cities programme
The 2021 Annual report of the ICC programme presents the activities organised during the year, as well as the tools and methodologies developed to assist local and regional authorities worldwide in the design, implementation and review of intercultural policies, in line with the integration approach endorsed through Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)1.

A few figures for 2021:

  • 11 new members;
  • a new regional network set up in Québec;
  • 9 assessment reports produced based on the ICC Index;
  • 14 thematic or knowledge sharing webinars held;
  • 108 news published;
  • 5 editions of the newsletter;
  • 86 good practices collected and shared;
  • 5 new policy briefs delivered;
  • 5 inter-city projects carried out;
  • 4 new online courses;
  • 3 joint campaigns organised to mark international days relevant to the programme.
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Learn how to work with Inclusion Influencers!
Learn how to work with Inclusion Influencers!
Inter-city grant

The project "Inclusion influencers" carried out by the Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities (RPCI) aimed at counteracting the increase in discriminatory behaviours at the local level. It targeted the youngest part of the population as their daily exposure to social media ends up being the main source of information that influences their behaviours and actions in society.
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Learn how to work with Inclusion Influencers!
Lublin, Krakow and Wrocław together against hate speech
Inter-city grant

The cities of Lublin, Krakow and Wrocław (Poland) joined forces to develop a common communication platform, as well as a methodology supporting the process of co-creating initiatives that build openness, understanding and unity. A participatory campaign to counter hate speech by promoting the value of interculturality for diverse societies was developped.
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Focus on youth, sports and inclusion in Haifa, Ioannina and Limassol
Focus on youth, sports and inclusion in Haifa, Ioannina and Limassol
Inter-city grant

In 2021, Haifa (Israel), Ioannina (Greece) and Limassol (Cyprus) worked on the topic of youth, sports and inclusion, and carried out sports activities involving youth in the three cities. The policy brief they produced will allow all Intercultural Cities to draw on the experience from the project. It concludes that sports have a great ability to mobilise young people, to break any boundary and organise them towards a common goal. 

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Focus on youth, sports and inclusion in Haifa, Ioannina and Limassol
Sustainable and inclusive tourism to foster participation and sense of belonging
Inter-city grant

Through the “Diversitours” project implemented by Bilbao and Valencia, educational and community-led guided walks were developped, contributing to the generation of new narratives for the targeted neighbourhoods, empowering the local community, while dismantling negative perception and stereotypes. A methodological guide on implementing such initiatives was produced.

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Fostering inclusive recruitment: project report and Guidebook for Employers
Fostering inclusive recruitment: project report and Guidebook for Employers
Inter-city grant

Through the project “Inclusive Recruitment”, Amadora, Loures and Oeiras (Portugal) worked on ways and means to encourage Portuguese employers to hire migrants and newcomers. Among others, they developed an inclusive recruitment guide to provide information on labour laws for Portuguese companies, on areas such as migration legislation and workplace inclusion.

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Fostering inclusive recruitment: project report and Guidebook for Employers
Want to make your workplace more inclusive?
Inter-city grant

In 2021, the Italian municipalities of Novellara, Reggio Emilia, and the union of municipalities “Rubicone e Mare” implemented the project “Diversity Management approaches in the public-private partnership industry”. The project report contains the elements that will enable transferring to other public institutions the broad knowledge acquired and the methodological approach to a real inclusive diversity management in the workplace.
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Bilbao adopts its third Intercultural City Strategy
Bilbao adopts its third Intercultural City Strategy

In December 2021, the City Council of Bilbao publicly presented its third Intercultural City Plan (ICP), containing 83 specific actions and new tools to reinforce transversality and participation. Resulting from a participatory process, the ICP is divided into 10 transversal areas and 6 sectoral areas of intervention. It is a tool that will provide a framework for interdepartmental action, involving and coordinating all municipal departments and staff of the city.

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Bilbao adopts its third Intercultural City Strategy
Units for Homeless - an inspiring action from Patras, Greece
The “Open Day Centre” and the “Hosting Unit” of the Municipality of Patras have become a crucial reference point for their beneficiaries (homeless migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, Roma people, and local population). Through facilitating access to programmes and services covering multiple areas of intervention, and also by applying a holistic, fully participatory approach, the ultimate goal is that they “feel at home”, and are able to stand up on their own two feet.
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Latest publications:
Index reports:
Good practices from:
Amadora, Barcelona, Bilbao, Bradford, Bergen, Calderdale, Erlangen, Kirklees, Krakow, Leeds, Lisbon, London, Loures, Lublin, Manchester, Milan, Montreal, Novellara, Oeiras, Paris, Reggio Emilia, Sabadell, Swansea, Valencia.
A journey with Mila and Melo - awareness video
A journey with Mila and Melo - awareness video
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Annual reports:
Publications in other Languages:
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