Good morning, Marketer, and do you have metrics for engagement?

An intriguing insight from Colby Cavanaugh at Integrate: B2B marketing teams are told they need to engage with accounts (and individuals at those accounts) and support them through a buying process which, essentially, the buyers are now dictating. But performance is still measured in terms of qualified leads.

There’s a disconnect here. Successful engagement metrics, in my mind, would include things like time spent with relevant content, white paper downloads, attendance at webinars and level of participation. In an ideal world, there would be some degree of insight into engagement with relevant topics outside the brand’s own ecosystem — on social media, for example. 

Question for you: Do you think your performance is being measured on the right metrics, or is there a disconnect between your performance goals and actually doing what it takes to deliver business outcomes? Let me know:

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

Integrate alters roadmap to adapt to changing B2B buying process

The precision demand marketing platform will announce new products at its Game Changers conference this week.

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How email marketing is changing and what marketers should do about it

Find out what's been added to the Email Marketing Periodic Table.

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5 key themes shaping the future of marketing

Marketers and business leaders came together at Zeta Live ‘21 to discuss the evolution to a digital-first world and trending topics on the future of marketing. From NFTs to first-party data to the Metaverse and everything in between, here are some of the conference’s most engaging themes that marketers can’t afford to ignore.

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The cost of ignoring website accessibility

Non-compliant sites are vulnerable to lawsuits, but SEOs can help protect them by advocating for accessibility, which can serve both differently-abled audiences as well as your business goals.

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The evolution of digital experience in a cookieless world

Until recently, organizations have relied heavily on third-party data to find and acquire new customers. But with the introduction of new regulations and restrictions for third-party data, they must find a way to deliver the digital experiences customers expect. Doing this requires adopting a first-party data strategy. In this e-book, Acquia helps prepare you for the cookieless future. You’ll learn the shortcomings of third-party cookies and what marketers need to do to pursue a first-party data strategy.

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Nielsen’s Gracenote adds predictive content analytics

Audience Predict will forecast future program performance.

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What is account-based marketing or ABM and why are B2B marketers so bullish on it?

Interest is surging as technologies to target key account improve and relevant data becomes more accessible.

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  • People. Brewster Stanislaw joins Demandbase as Chief Product Officer. He brings an impressive resume of product roles in marketing technology having worked with Sprout Social, Bizible, Marketo and Adobe, and most recently with Google where was Director of Product. Jon Miller, who was both CPO and CMO for over a year continues in his marketing role.
  • What we’re reading. Given her legal and activist background, Lina Khan, President Biden’s pick to chair the FTC, may be preparing to take on tech monopolies. The New Yorker

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