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New Clarity Magazine Issue

Integrity, Devotion, and Courage

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Dear John ,

As we move forward into 2017, burdened perhaps with a greater than usual uncertainty about what the new year might bring, it is helpful to be reminded of those qualities that enable us to transcend even the most difficult challenges: integrity, devotion, and courage.

Whatever lies ahead, we can all benefit from reading and taking to heart the new articles from Clarity Magazine discussing each of these qualities: 1) “What Is True Integrity?” by Swami Kriyananda; 2) “Learn to Love Heroically,” by Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi; and 3) “Malala: An Example of Boundless Courage,” by Nayaswami Prakash.

Sister Gyanamata, Paramhansa Yogananda’s most advanced disciple, when facing a major challenge, was given the following prayer: “Change no circumstance in my life. Change me.” God and Guru have given us the understanding and tools to shape our own destinies in difficult times. A more conscious, dynamic practice of integrity, devotion, and courage will not only guide us through whatever lies ahead, it will also leave us greatly strengthened spiritually.

Many blessings,
Nayaswami Naidhruva


Paramhansa Yogananda

Swami Kriyananda

Swami Kriyananda

Swami Kriyananda

Nayaswamis Jyotish and Devi

Nayaswami Prakash

Clarity Magazine Online | Ananda Sangha Worldwide | 14618 Tyler Foote Rd., Neveada City, CA 95959 | 530 478-7560
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