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Intercultural Cities Programme
Intercultural Cities February 2021
Report of the Annual Survey of the ICC Network
Every year the ICC seeks feedback from its member cities on the past year as well as the priorities for the year to come. The results of the annual survey are used to plan for upcoming activities and to prioritise between topics.
Webinar on "Interculturalism and Anti-Racism in Cities"
The ICC programme is happy to announce its collaboration with the Laboratory for Research on Intercultural Relations (LABRRI) at the University of Montreal for the organisation of an international webinar on “Interculturalism and Anti-Racism in Cities”. The webinar will take place on 26 February, at 9 a.m. (Canada; 3 p.m. CET).
A very successful meeting on Campaigning Together!
The ICC team would like to thank the more than 50 city officials and UNHCR officers that participated in the brainstorming meeting on “Campaigning Together”, held online on 12 February.
The ICC programme welcomes Sherbrooke (Canada)!
It is with great pleasure that the Intercultural Cities programme announces Sherbrooke’s membership, the second city from Québec (Canada) to join the ICC family and the 145th member of the ICC coalition of inclusive cities!
The ICC programme is happy to welcome Kraków in the ICC family!
By joining the Intercultural Cities programme Kraków becomes the second member city from Poland and the 144th ICC member.
The ICC International network welcomes Jonava (Lithuania)!
It is with great joy that the Intercultural Cities programme announces Jonava’s membership, the first city from Lithuania to join the ICC family and the first new membership of 2021!
Intercultural Regions: Active Participation & Social Inclusion
On 16 February 2021 the Council of Europe organised a webinar on “Intercultural Regions: Active Participation and Social Inclusion”.
An active network of intercultural cities in Portugal
2020 has been a very productive year for the Portuguese Network. A Guide for welcoming migrants  has been developed as a complement to the web APP “Portugal Incoming” already launched in 2019.
ICC-Ukraine Network starts the new year with the adoption of Vinnytsia’s ICC City Strategy
In January this year, the Intercultural Strategy of the City of Vinnytsia, Ukraine, came fully into force after being adopted by the Vinnytsia City Council in December 2020.
Can a research project change a city? The Born in Bradford study
How can we keep families healthy and happy? This is the question that the Born in Bradford Study is now set to answer. By tracking the health and wellbeing of over 30,000 Bradfordians, this National Health Service (NHS) study aims to identify the underlying factors which shape the health and wellbeing of its citizens from even before they’re born.
Launch of the Guide and video tutorial on “Intercultural Competencies applied to the development of public administration projects”
Awarded with one of the grants opened in 2020 by the Intercultural Cities programme, the municipalities of Bilbao, Castellò de la Plana, Donostia/San Sebastiàn, and the Island of Tenerife (Spain) successfully concluded a project on developing the intercultural skills of public administration staff as a key element for advancing further in the building of strong intercultural cities and territories.
A letter from an ICC friend
Phil Wood letter
Save the dates!
  • 26 February: Webinar on Interculturalism and Anti-racism in Cities
  • 16-17 March: 3rd GT-ADI-INT meeting 
  • 25 March: Public event for the promotion of the intercultural integration model in the Asia Pacific region
  • 19-23 April (t.b.c., 3 days): Academy on Intercultural Communication and Alternative Narratives
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