Hello Humble Bitcoiners!

Bitcoin is holding strong today — just as we show up strong with the daily signal ☕.
📝 Today's Rundown
  • 💻 Intermittent Mining: Bitcoin mining operations are finding profitable ways to power up and down intermittently to match their energy sources.
  • 🌪️ Ethereum's Turmoil:  Ethereum’s switch to proof-of-stake is scheduled for mid-September. What are the possible risks? How does it work compared to Bitcoin’s proof-of-work consensus?
  • 🏘️ Real Estate & Bitcoin: Some claim that Bitcoiners are the cause of price increases in developing countries’ real estate markets, but that doesn’t tell the whole story.
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The Continual Power Of Intermittent Bitcoin Mining
By Zack Voell

Many aspects of the Bitcoin mining industry are poorly understood and often misrepresented. But there is one specific technique that stands apart: intermittent mining.

Intermittent mining when machines are turned on and off in order to adjust according to energy supply. It is often associated with renewables (such as wind and solar) since these types of power are also generated in intermittent timeframes.

Some proof-of-stake consensus advocates even publicly criticize this specific type of mining due to the potential unprofitability of only running hardware half the time, but this does not take into consideration the market need for an energy consumer of last resort which incentivizes the production of renewable energy.

Today, with competitive power purchase agreements, some of the intermittent miners have proven to be even more profitable at times when they have their machines turned off.

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The Ethereum Merge: Risk, Flaws And The Pitfalls Of Centralization
By Dylan Leclair And Sam Rule

We know that for most of you, having to read the world “Ethereum” can be annoying, but bear with us. This article is a technical and perspicuous analysis about the controversial changes and turmoil that the current most known alternative cryptocurrency is involved in right now. Ultimately, we all can learn from the mistakes of others.

In an attempt to scale the platform, Ethereum is planning to undergo its long-promised protocol change from a PoW (proof-of-work) consensus mechanism to a PoS (proof-of-stake) consensus mechanism in the near future (tentatively on September 15). While much of the reasoning for the protocol shift is possibly flawed, studying and comparing the mechanisms, risks and governance of a PoS consensus against a PoW consensus like Bitcoin can be very useful and enlightening.

Ultimately, from an idealist point of view, an attempt to construct a new permissionless infrastructure of financial applications using Ethereum is novel, but the rationalist in many Bitcoiners believes that the narratives of true decentralized infrastructure and “ultra-sound” monetary properties are more of a marketing gimmick than reality.

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1. ESG seems like a positive way to protect the environment on a surface level, but a deeper examination reveals a more sinister path to totalitarianism.

2. Each Bitcoin sidechain implementation brings about different centralization and consensus issues to weigh and consider.

3. The properties of bitcoin reflect many of real estate’s value offers on top of fundamentally more secure custody.

4. An invention like Bitcoin couldn’t be created in universities, but a shift toward interdisciplinary study can make further breakthroughs possible.

5. It is up to the Bitcoin community to self-police by any means necessary, even if that means doxxing scammers and sharing their names with the world.

6. Bitcoin, like other constants in the universe, creates a foundation upon which humanity can interpret information and chaos

7. Samsung Securities, Mirae Asset Securities and five other brokers have filed to launch cryptocurrency exchanges in South Korea in 2023.

The Financialization Of Real Estate Is The Problem, Bitcoin Is The Solution
By Jeremy

Real estate is just another fundamental sector of our modern society that has been debased because of our decaying and corrupted monetary policy. In fact, because of its scarce and useful nature, it is probably one aspect that has been most affected by the infamous money printer — yet everyone needs a place to live.

Not only is the money supply always going up, but the demand for real estate is also always increasing along with the population.

Even though some ingenious individuals have gone as far as to blame “crypto-colonizers” for the always increasing price of real estate in developing countries, it is obvious that the world’s reserve currency is the real reason why property and pretty much anything else is constantly getting more expensive. 

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By Simply Bitcoin

No one likes scammers. Somehow, it seems that the lack of regulation in the space attracts many people with ill intent, attempting to benefit off of other people's ignorance.

The question remains — should we strive for more regulation? Or push for more good information?

I personally prefer the latter.

With love,
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